Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Letters to the Editor

Against ‘special’ concealed-carry permits

Dear Editor;

Last legislative session we finally got a law passed eliminating gun free zones. We have been fighting for this for decades because it is important. Over 95% of “mass shootings” occur in so called “ gun free zones”.

The stupidest shooter knows that’s the best place to go because of personal safety, no one else there will have a firearm. The Aurora shooter walked past 4 theaters that did not prohibit firearms to find one that did.

Mark Gordon vetoed that bill. He said he thought it was better for each community to establish their own rules for firearms. It does make sense that it would be better to have 400 or 500 different regulations rather than one that covers the entire state. Doesn’t it?

Now a new bill appears ready for the coming session to create a special type of permit. Who is going to put on the schools for those who want to go? I have been trying to re-certify for quite some time and there is no one in Wyoming doing it. You have to go to CO.

I was a range master and instructor in the army and taught for years. Does that qualify me? Who decides. Let’s say my grandchild is in a school that comes under attack and I am at the school, I can’t carry because I haven’t taken the special class, except I have. Many times.

These are the things that give politicians the lowest rating in America and makes normal people disgusted.

Gordon has always been a closet liberal and now it is really starting to show.

Rusty Rogers

Saratoga, Wyoming


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