Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Encampment Waiting on MOU for County Dispatch

Town council votes to fine resident for non-compliance

The Encampment Town Council had a full agenda November 14. The most difficult decision was what to do about a resident who had ignored their request to stop building an overhang on his property.

The overhang is encroaching on state property and was denied a building permit at the November 1, 2023 meeting of the Encampment Planning Commission. According to the minutes from that meeting, the resident had already begun to build the overhang, but did not provide sufficient evidence in his plan.

The resident had not responded to written requests by the council. The council voted to fine the resident $200.


MOU with Carbon County

The council discussed the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Carbon County Dispatch, but was not able to vote on it since the final draft was being reviewed by Carbon Count Attorney Sarah Chavez-Harkins. Mayor Shannon Fagan asked for a motion for her to share the MOU via email, so the town council could vote on it prior to December 12 meeting. The reason for the request, Fagan said, was because they had to have a letter severing existing contracts by December 1. The council approved the request.


Phase 2 of Sewer Lagoon Project

Jon Nelson, with North Fork Engineering, said his goal to submit the application for permit to construct the Phase 2 building of the Sewer Lagoon Project was nearing completion and he was going to have it submitted by November 27. His original goal was November 22, but there was a discussion of the size of the fan needed for the building. Nelson explained his reasoning of why a 7,000 CFM (Cubic Feet per Minutes) model was not needed and that a 2,400 CFM was sufficient. His thought process was that the cool temperatures in the summer do not require a bigger fan, as the building was only in danger of reaching 100 degrees a few days of the summer.

Nelson said the project will be advertised and that he has set a time for tours on January 16, 2025 at 1 p.m. for prospective construction bidders.


CCVC Survey

Cindy Loose was introduced by Carbon County Visitor Council’s (CCVC) Encampment representative Josh Craig. Loose was hired by the CCVC using a development grant to work on a marketing project for the CCVC. She told the town council 570 people responded to a recent survey which was distributed in Carbon County and that she was analyzing the data and should have results soon.

She said 5% of the population in Carbon County responded while 10% of Encampment residents responded. Encampment has a population of 450 people according to the Town of Encampment website - 44 people responded to the survey.

Loose said the CCVC is not looking to change Encampment, but enhance the town with signage and partnerships. She said the project is currently in the research phase.


New Business

The council approved a raise for Clinton Blake, who had received his Level 1 Water License retroactive to October 11. The council approved setting a deadline for requests for proposals to rent the retail space adjacent to the town hall. The deadline is March 31, 2025. The council’s current renter is vacating the property November 30.

The council also approved to pay the invoices of $2,479 for a power source to preserve consul memory and approved the Fiscal Year 2023/2024 Jones Simpkins Final Audit Report.

For the 21st annual Christmas Lighting Contest, the council approved $100 for first place, $75 for second place and $50 for third place.

The council approved for the Dirt Diggers Club Greens Sale to be in the foyer of the town hall on December 7.

The council approved a closure of the town hall on Friday, November 29.

The town council also approved the purchase of two drums of oil from Schaeffer for the amount of $2,850.10.

The next Encampment Town Council meeting is December 12, at 7 p.m. at the Encampment Town Hall.


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