Serving the Platte Valley since 1888
Months of planning have passed and it’s finally hunting season for some. But before you hit the trail this fall, the Wyoming Game and Fish Department wants to remind people who recreate in bear country to take safety precautions and be on the lookout for bears — and signs of bears.
Besides the fact that hunters and bears are often in the same places at the same time during the fall, hunters face an increased potential for bear encounters due to several factors associated with their activities. They often pursue game quietly, making it difficult for bears to detect their presence. Additionally, masking human scent and moving into the wind — a common practice for hunters — further reduces the chances of bears noticing them. Being active during dawn and dusk, which are also peak times for bear activity, heightens the risk. Using game calls, which mimic the sounds of prey, may inadvertently attract bears. Finally, handling big game carcasses can draw bears in, as the smell of blood and meat is a strong attractant for these animals.
“It takes effort and preparation to pursue big game in bear country. We want all hunters and recreationists to enjoy the outdoors and be bear-wise to minimize the chances of bear-human conflicts,” Game and Fish Large Carnivore Conflict Coordinator Brian DeBolt said. “We encourage all to have a heightened awareness and be prepared for an encounter with a bear.”
Hunters can follow these tips to help minimize the chance of a bear conflict:
Keeping a clean camp is essential in bear country. Secure all garbage, food items, flavored beverages, pet and livestock food and other attractants in a vehicle or hard-sided camper before going to sleep at night and anytime you leave camp. In the backcountry, store food and coolers suspended from a tree at least 10 to 15 feet high and 4 feet away from the tree trunk. Sleeping areas should be at least 100 yards away from food storage and eating/cooking areas.
To reduce the chance of having a conflict with a bear, follow these precautions:
“We hope all people hunting in bear country will take the proper precautions before venturing out ” DeBolt said.
Game and Fish has a wealth of resources for those who recreate in bear country, including its Bear Wise web page with more safety tips, information and videos. Hunters can call a Game and Fish regional office to learn more about bears in their hunt areas and ask questions about bear safety. Any human-bear conflict should be reported to Game and Fish as soon as possible by calling your closest regional office or the Game and Fish Stop Poaching Hotline at 1-877-WGFD-TIP (943-3857).
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