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I think we all want a life that is carefree without any major complaints so “Don’t Give The Enemy A Seat At Your Table.” This is the title of a book written by Louie Giglio. The book is about how and where we live our lives.
It’s not about what type of house we live in, the number of children that we have or how great our marriages are, but how our spiritual lives affect our emotional lives. It’s about what goes on inside our minds, souls, and spirit and whether we navigate our lives with or without Jesus.
The question that is asked is, where do you live your life? Do you live in a buzz of activity with no end in site? Is your mind constantly spinning and you cannot make heads or tails of your problems? Do you ask yourself how come I can never make ends meet, financially? Do you ever wonder what will happen when you die, or will you go to heaven when you die? You know dying is not an option. The day we are born we know that someday in the future we will die. We all die someday.
I cannot help but think about what King Solomon meant when he said in Ecclesiastes 1:2 New American Standard Bible 1995
“Vanity of vanities,” says the Preacher, “Vanity of vanities! All is vanity.”
Everything we think and do seems like vanity. From the beginning to the end, all is vanity. Now in this aspect vanity does not mean all is meaningless. It means our lives are like a vapor. Our lives unfold before us like a flash; it all happens so quickly, like a blink of an eye. To put this in perspective we could say our lives are but like a wisp of smoke. You know when you blow out a candle and the smoke trails into the air and disappears? This is why the Psalmist in Psalm 90:12 New American Standard Bible 1995: “So teach us to number our days.”
Ecclesiastes is a meditation on what it means to live our lives in that wisp of smoke. King Solomon says that since we know that we are going to die, settle that issue with God and then you can concentrate on living your life at the table of God, the one he has prepared for you. The Psalmist tells us that in the 23 Psalm verse 5. “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.”
When we try and handle our lives ourselves, things seem to go wrong most of the time. Yes, we achieve some victories but most of the time the wall comes crumbling down. It seems like there is no escape. It seems like we are in a maze and no matter which way we turn there is no path to the exit. Let me ask, do you feel like this? Has Satan taken a seat at your table and filled you with lies? Has he deceived you into thinking there is no better life? Has Satan told you as he did Eve in the Garden of Eden, “Did God really prepare you a table where you can sit and enjoy God forever?”
John 1:1-18 New American Standard Bible 1995
The Deity of Jesus Christ
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. 5 The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.
This set of verses tells us that the Word is Jesus, and He is God. He is eternal and He created all things. Apart from Him, nothing came into being. This means He is sovereign and controls everything in the universe. There is not one thing out of place or He would not be sovereign. When the Bible says He is the life and light of all men that means He controls all life. He also says in verse 5 that He shows us where we sin and we cannot hide from the light that exposes that sin.
John 14:6 New American Standard Bible 1995
6 Jesus *said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.
Jesus is truth; whatever Jesus says is true. When Satan tells you something, believe it is a lie because Satan is the father of lie
John 3:16 New American Standard Bible 1995
16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.
This is the most popular verse in the world. I cannot say that everyone has heard this verse but I can say this verse is the most researched verse in the world.
This verse is the truth. God did send His Son into the world. Jesus sacrificed Himself for us unto death and was raised again so we could have eternal life. We must pay attention the the two important words in John 3:15: “whoever believes”. When we die, our soul either goes to heaven or hell. If we listen to the father of lies, we will suffer eternal damnation. If we choose to believe in Jesus Christ, we will sit at His table in heaven for eternity. Your choice, you get to chose. God gave you that ability, but remember when the your final breath comes (and it will) don’t blame God for choice you made.
Peace and Blessings.
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