Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

'Gather at the Table' for baked spaghetti, Aug. 5

In observance of the “dog days of summer” everyone is invited to “Gather at the Table” for baked spaghetti, hearty salad, garlic bread, pineapple cake with cream cheese frosting and strawberries plus a choice of beverages Monday evening, Aug. 5, from 5:30 to 7:00 in the Saratoga Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall.

Last month’s complimentary meal drew more than fifty folks, so this month “Gather at the Table” committee cooks are preparing for even a larger crowd to come and enjoy free food, fun and an old fashioned get-together around the kitchen tables in the hall at the corner of Bridge and Third streets.

The sponsoring committee urges everyone — especially those enjoying these beautiful days of summer who might be lonely or hungry— to just show up with friends and family as there is no charge, no reservations, no preaching and no restrictions, just food, fun and fellowship.

“Gather at the Table” is a non-profit charity extension of the First Presbyterian Church of Saratoga. Its mission is to provide a welcoming meal to anyone who desires food and fellowship in and around this and adjoining communities.


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