It's all about the kids

Schools have opened here in Saratoga, and throughout Carbon County District 2. An exciting time really. New year, new teachers, new experiences, old friends, new friends. The kindergarten students are off on a new journey. The seniors are moving into the final days of this one and now just a few short months away from beginning the next.

One thing that has been on my mind in recent weeks is that the schools here must be a very special place. I say that because twice in the past month, people have told me that they moved back to Saratoga, to Encampment, because of the schools. Two, you might say, is a limited statistical survey. And I suppose that’s right, but it still speaks loudly enough to get my attention. They came back here from Cheyenne and Laramie, from bigger towns - cities - with more of everything. Probably better economic opportunities, certainly restaurant’s, shopping, entertainment - all those things that the bigger communities offer up. But they packed up and made a major life change. For the schools.

Over the past couple of weeks I’ve been able to meet several administrators from School District 2. The Sun decided to organize a school supply drive, working with the district, so that then took me in to the district offices a couple of times. Then I was able to attend an assembly of everyone who works for the district. Staff members from transportation, school admin support, food service, and buildings. Teachers of all grade levels, and the principals of each school. And the district administrators. I was able to meet the Teacher of the Year, Melissa Spaulding, and the Staff Member of the Year, Cindy Larson. The newly assigned Resource Officer, Tyler Christen. Was able to hear about some of the special things accomplished within the district last year, and a few of the things that will be taking place in this new school year.

I understand why these two families, referenced above, made the decision they did. Great, dedicated, professionals throughout Carbon County School District 2. And, one thing that I heard over and over was - it’s about the kids. That is what makes it a special job. That is why that assembly had such a high level of positive energy. Even I left pumped up!

I actually worked in education for a couple of years, as Director of Admissions at a military boarding school in Virginia. I also coached all three sports seasons there, and then continued coaching at the club level over many - many - seasons. Even was named Coach of the Year with a girl’s travel team for the Chargers Soccer Club in Colorado Springs at the CSYSA state level. I’m still proud of that - because it’s about the players, about the kids. So I understand this dynamic completely. I remember players and games from years ago. I know how it made me feel when, about a year ago, I bumped into the parents of a young player I coached about 25 years ago down in the Springs, and the kind words they shared about my coaching, my impact on that young athlete, who eventually played in Division 1. Working with kids - young people - is just an amazing experience.

Our communities are fortunate to have these schools. These schools being the teachers, staff, and administrators. And these schools are fortunate to have these kids. It’s a vitally important experience, that requires a mutual trust. The students, the families, the schools each play a role in creating a successful school year. We are looking forward to covering this school year. Yes sports get a lot of space in every paper, but we want to feature the academics, music - everything. It’s all important.

Now, I do have one hope for the long term future. So many small towns suffer the ‘brain drain’. Young people who move on and don’t come back. Despite my anecdote above, I’m sure there are many more CCD2 grads who don’t return. They might admire the schools they came up through, possibly though economics won’t allow them to return. But after college, the military or serving some corporate apprenticeship it will be great if they give Carbon County a new look. There are plenty of opportunities here. Wyoming is on the grow. I love the new state motto being considered - “Under Western Skies, Progress Rides!”. We’re all a part of it. Have a fantastic school year everyone.


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