Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Encampment Town Council springs in to action

Prepping for warmer weather, and bigger projects

Pickle ball was once again on the agenda at Encampment's town council meeting on May 11. Peggy Huntley had brought it to the council at the last meeting, asking if they could clean up the tennis court at the Encampment School in order to make them useable for a pickle ball court. Councilman Steve Reichert voiced his concern about storing equipment in town council lobby. The town council agreed to clean up the tennis courts once the summer help is established, but they want more information about a non-permanent and a permanent net system. 

Wyatt Craig, representing Mother Mountain Anglers told the council that they raised $2513.00 for the town fireworks on the 4th of July. 

South Central Wyoming Emergency Medical Services (SCWEMS) Carey Lake, the Chairman of SCWEMS, addressed the council about the lack of emergency medical care available in Encampment. There will be an open house at the Encampment Ambulance Station on May 20 to try and bring volunteers to the service. 

Jon Nelson of Northfork Engineering gave the council an update on the Sewer Lagoon project. He said they should start seeing activity on the project very soon. 

Encampment Mayor Shannon Fagan told the council that Justin Stern, The Water Resource Specialist/Education Coordinator at the Saratoga Encampment Rawlins Conservation District office received very little grant money for the equipment he needs to test the waters at Willow Creek. He is requesting that the Town of Encampment help him purchase it. This will be used to sample water at the North Fork Watershed, above and below Willow Creek. Fagan said they will start in June, testing until October. The council approved a budget of up to $6,000.00 to help purchase equipment. 

Organization Service contracts as budgeted were approved by council. This includes: FCCLA/Prostart-$1,000.00; Sagebrush Senior Center-$1,250.00; Encampment Riverside Lions Club-$500.00; Grand Encampment Cowboy Gathering-$500.00; SMML Mountain Man Rendezvous-$500.00. 

Public hearing for liquor license renewals for 307 Pub & Grub, SMLI Divide, LLC and White Dog Liquors. No comments from the public so the hearing was closed. The licenses were approved by the council.

The Encampment Planning Commission will have three seats that will be expiring on June 30, 2023. 

The Carbon County Visitors Council Encampment representative seat expires June 30 2023. Council agreed to allow Encampment Town Clerk Doreen Harvey to advertise the vacancies. 

Second reading of FY 22/23 budget amendment Revenue/expenses $1,822,821.01

Second reading of FY 22/23 budget Revenue/expense $3,957,067.78.

Bid opening for John Deer 770 Motor Grader- one bid was received for $6000.00 and accepted by council.

Conditional use permit was approved for Brapping WY, LLC at 518 Pierce Avenue.

Council passed Resolution 2023-03-Camping in Specified Public Places during specific events

Council approved purchase of 17 helmets at $9,759.19, plus freight. 

Council approved installation of a Free Library on the north side of the Red Wagon.

Banners with Encampment School Seniors pictures will be purchased. 

First reading of Ordinance 2023-01-Dogs Running at Large. Council accepted.

The next regular council meeting is June 8, 2023 at 7 p.m. 


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