Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Encampment Town Council is ready for spring

Council members get ready for projects, melt off and visitors

Encampment Town Council proclaimed April as Child Abuse Prevention Month.

Sewer Lagoon Project

Jon Nelson, Northfork Engineering presented the Council with contracts for the mayor’s signature from American West Construction for the sewer lagoon project. Approved by the council. A notice to proceed was also approved by Council. Nelson also told the council that there may be up to $100,000.00 presented in a change order at the next Council meeting from the contractor. This will help cut the cost of the project.

Public Works

Council asked Public Works Supervisor Bill Acord about the status of repair of the scales at the mill site. The total for the parts, labor and shipping is $2,008,87. Council approved.

Council approved advertising for summer help since they only have two people right now and will need help getting the water turned on for irrigation, and other projects completed.

Council approved the following purchases and expenditures: irrigation parts-$2,163.21 plus freight; aerator motor for sewer-$880.87; two accident signs for the Encampment Fire Department; Streets & Alley purchase for cutting edges, filters, gravel, lubes, ports, etc-Estimate $15,896.35; Filters for water department, and testing supplies;$2,602.16;Membrane filters for skids-$79,030.40; GIS Support Renewal-$1,979.10; Encampment Preschool annual support-$1,250.00;Two barrels of mosquito chemical-$9,123.58 plus freight. All items are noted in the current budget.

Town Projects

Encampment Town Mayor Shannon Fagan advised the council that Anthony Rakness, of Green Mountain Customs is able to install Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) doors on the bathrooms at Grandview Park. The estimate of cost is $7,200.00. Council approved.

Encampment Town Clerk Doreen Harvey and Mayor Shannon Fagan are coordinating the Carbon County Council of Governments (CCCOG) meeting that will be at the Encampment Opera House on May 17, 2023. The FCCLA/ProStart will be catering dinner.

Town Budget FY2023/2023 Budget - 1st Reading - Revenue 7 Expenses of $3,916,133.44

Town Budget FY2023/2023 Budget Amendment - 1st Reading - Revenue & Expenses $3,906,032.74

A catering permit for 307 Pub & Grub was approved for the May 6 fundraiser sponsored by Mother Mountain Anglers was approved. The fundraiser is to help purchase fireworks for the July 4 celebration.

Mountain Man Rendezvous

Sierra Madre Muzzleloaders club President Josh Saier and secretary Crystal Gillen spoke to the Council about the Mountain Man Rendezvous event the third weekend of July and the Marion Baker Memorial Shoot in June. Council approved the use of the grounds east of the museum. It was specified that set up will not start until Wednesday morning. The town will also donate the portable toilets and a donation.

Public requests

Peggy Huntley, a local pickleball fan queried the Council asking about the possibility of cleaning up and repairing the tennis courts at the Encampment school. She said Saratoga has a very popular pickleball program and she feels it would be a great asset to the town. Council asked for estimates on the needed repairs and equipment before they made a decision.

The next regular council meeting will be May 11, 2023 at 7 p.m.


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