Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Spring cleaning for commissioners

BOCCC discuss number of projects planned for upcoming spring months

With winter coming to a close, the Board of Carbon County Commissioners meeting on March 7 introduced many projects which will start in the spring along with cleaning up the damage that winter has wrought.

Carbon County Sheriff

Carbon County Sheriff Alex Bakken requested approval for an emergency purchase of two duty trucks for the Sheriff’s department. The reason Bakken made an emergency request is because four vehicles went into the shop the week prior meaning the department is losing patrol vehicles at an alarming rate. According to Bakken, there was still money available in the budget for vehicles. The Commissioners waived the procurement policy and authorized Bakken to purchase two patrol trucks he had found in Rock Springs. The funding will be coming out of the emergency vehicle fund.

Emergency Management

Lenny Layman, the Emergency Management Director, presented a Homeland Security Grant Amendment for the Deputy Emergency Manager salary. Layman filed a request for an extension, taking it out to September 2024. The commissioners approved Chairwoman Sue Jones’ signature on the extension.

Layman reported the county had received $30,794.43 for radios from the WyoLink ARPA Grant.

Road and Bridge

Kandis Fritz of Carbon County Road and Bridge opened bids for Magnesium (Mag) Chloride. Only one bid was received from Dust Busters of Evanston. The cost is $6,000.00 per mile and Fritz said they will be looking at 120 miles. The money will come out of the General fund, the Road fund, and the Impact funds. Commissioners approved the purchase.

Craig Kopasz of Engineering Associates explained the Brush Creek Overlay Project (CR203) to the commissioners. The bid was awarded to Bituminous Engineering and Paving of Minnesota for $493,650.000. This will be paid for through the road fund. The project involves adding some crushed base to the sides. They will be patching the potholes with asphalt once the road dries out. Double chip sealer will be added once that is done. Kopasz said the longevity would be approximately 10 years. The commissioners approved the bid award.

Fritz presented the Invenergy - Rock Creek II Road Use Agreement which is in Carbon County approximately a half mile west from the Albany County border and proceeds northwest to the Foote Creek Substation in Carbon County. The Foote Creek Substation is located approximately four miles northeast of Arlington and approximately two miles north of WY HWY 13. This agreement was approved for signature by Jones.

Innergex Renewal Energy - Last Mile Transmission Road Use Agreement begins in Albany County and proceeds northwest to the Aeolus Substation in Carbon County. The Aeolus Substation is located approximately 11 miles north, northwest of US HWY 30 off Carbon County Road #121 (Difficulty Shirley Road). This agreement was approved for signature by Chairwoman Sue Jones.

Fritz and the commissioners voiced their appreciation for all of the help from the residents and employees of Carbon County during this very difficult winter snow event.

Planning and Development

Sarah Brugger presented two cases for the commissioners' review.

C.U. Case 2021-01 - Three Forks Lodge - Events Center and Pickle Ball Court - The ESA architects have requested an extension of two years for the conditional use permit. Commissioners approved Chairwoman Jones signature on the extension.

P.U.D. Case #2021-02- Brush Creek-Green Mountain Resolution-

A request for a zone change from Residential (RD) to a Planned Unit Development (P.U.D.) on 620+/- acres, the "Green Mountain at Brush Creek Ranch P.U.D.". The purpose and intent of the Green Mountain at Brush Creek Ranch P.U.D. is to provide commercial winter and summer recreational activities and related amenities and facilities on the property for Brush Creek Ranch guests, immediate family members and friends.

In addition, the P.U.D. will include development standards and guidelines that protect the character, the surrounding area, and the environment. The P.U.D. will encompass up to 16 residential lots with each lot being 35 acres, or more, in size, that the owner may sell or gift. The commissioners voted to adopt the amendment and approved Jones’ signature on the amendment.

Citizens/Commissioners Discussion

Louie Stolns spoke to the commissioners concerning the county road maintenance in the Mountain View Estates area east of Saratoga. Stolns is a resident of the area and is asked if there was any possibility of getting the county’s help in clearing the snow on Ridge Lane off of CR550. Fritz explained that with the resolution that went into place in 2019, all roads have to be brought up to Carbon County standards before the Road and Bridge department can take over maintenance. The process would involve moving fences and obtaining easements.

Jones explained the issue is the county can’t go out to private roads and open them up. When the county roads were designated in that area in the 1980s, the residents on the private roads weren’t interested in having them designated as country roads. The commissioners reiterated that they are bound by the current statutes. The commissioners apologized that they couldn’t help with the snow removal on private lands. Commissioner John Johnson told Stolns the State of Wyoming would not allow the county to compete with private industry.

Carbon County Fire Protection District

The commissioners approved a signature on the lease between the Carbon County Fire Protection District and Carbon County for the annex in the Carbon Building. The terms of the lease are for no rent from the Carbon County Fire Protection District.

Memorial Hospital of Carbon County

Ken Harman,the Chief Executive Officer reported that they are currently up to approximately $16 Million in accounts receivable, but they are working out payment plans with some of the vendors. They did put in a FEMA claim for expenses during COVID, that was approved. The hospital is making some policy changes including not performing procedures without payment up front. They have implemented some financial assistance programs for those that can’t pay, and the hospital may be able to get some of the money back via Federal government programs.

Carbon County Clerk

Board appointments were presented by Carbon County Clerk Gwynn Bartlett. Upper Platte River Solid Waste Disposal District appointments were approved. John W. Moore was appointed as At Large, for a term ending 09/2025. Bradley Ferguson was appointed to the Saratoga seat, ending 09/2023.

The next Carbon County Commissioners Meeting will be March 21 at 9 a.m. at the Carbon Building Courthouse annex, Rawlins, WY.


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