Reflections from the Saratoga Sun

100 years ago

January 4, 1923

Fatal Accident occurs at Grenville

A. W. Ferris, Prominent Resident of Rawlins, Killed in Collapse of Wall at Refinery.

Caught under debris from a collapsed brick wall at the new Refinery of the Producers & Refiners Corporation, recently under construction at Grenville, A. W. Ferris of Rawlins received injuries at about 11 o'clock last Saturday forenoon which resulted in his death about 12 hours later in the Rawlins hospital. It has been since reported that another employee of the company who was injured at the same time has died, but no death details have been received. The accident was the result of the severe wind which swept over the country last Saturday, and which must have reached the proportions of a hurricane at Grenville, as the brick wall on the west side of the building, in the neighborhood of 15 feet in height, was blown in completely, several workmen being caught in the wreck, though some received only minor injuries .

MR. Ferris had been a resident of Rawlins for many years, and was 35 years of age. He leaves a wife and two children. He is the third member of his family to meet a violent death, his father having been killed in a runaway accident and one of his brothers having been accidentally shot dead by another brother.

75 years ago

January 8, 1948


Lloyd T. Pullum, superintendent of the Fish and Wildlife Hatchery here, announced this week that a shipmen of 5000 albino trout eggs were shipped to the federal hatchery at Kearneysville. West Virginia, where they will be be hatched and later put in aquarium in Washington, D.C Pullum said that the albino trout are becoming popular the country over and that shipments of eggs and young trout have been made to many parts of the U. S.

50 years ago

January 4, 1973

Deputy Sheriff Resigns to Re - enlist in Navy

Deputy Sheriff John Moore has resigned his position here and has re-enlisted in the navy. Mr. Moore left Tuesday from Denver for San Francisco where he will be assigned to a Naval base. He was taken to Denver Jan 1st by his wife and daughter and Mr. and Mrs Vernie Allen. A new Deputy Sheriff is expected to be assigned here soon. Before returning to Saratoga. , Mr. Moore had spent nearly 10 years in the Navy. He has been out for three years and has been has been deputy sheriff here over two years.

25 years ago

January 7, 1998

Encampment ends centennial year with dancing

by Jamie K. Radovich

The floors of the town hall vibrated as music filled the municipal building and members of the younger generation lined the walls in a salute to Encampment's centennial year.

"For our final activity, we had a dance geared to younger people in the community," said Candy Moulton a member of Centennial Committee. 'We did want to focus on the kids."The Black, White &Blues band of Cheyenne began at 9 p.m . and was still going strong when Moulton exited the scene at 11:30 p.m. We had good weather for the dance which was unusual for a centennial event," Moulton said However, the crowd inside the Encampment Town Hall far from filled the dance floor and seats surrounding it. "We didn't expect to fill the hall full of people," Moulton said.

Throughout 1997, the Encampment Centennial Committee chose members of the community as their Centennial Citizen of the Month. For November those people were the town's veterans. In December, Dorothy Wolfard was given the honor.

Still to come is a time capsule sealing and the presentation of a plaque listing all the citizens of the month.


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