Hanna learns about Last Mile

The Boswell Springs Wind project is reviewed

The Hanna Town Council met December 19 at the Hanna Town Hall. The meeting was a week later than scheduled due to a power outage which took place on December 12 about an hour before the regularly scheduled meeting.

This was the last town council  Mayor Lois Buchanan and Council member Tracy Fowler will be in a full meeting. The newly elected Mayor, Jon Oslting and new Councilmember, Roger Hawkes were in attendance.

Buchanan highlighted the Public Works report, saying the preview bids for Phase 2 Old Town Water project would start being accepted on December 20 and the actual bids would be accepted on January 19. 

Sikes, who is with the Hanna Volunteer Fire Department thanked Marshal Ted Kranenberg when law enforcement got up to ask if there were any questions on his report.

There were two fires on the same day on December 13  during a snowstorm in which Kranenberg assisted.“There was a lot of running back and forth that day,” Kranenberg said. “It was a good thing Kyle’s (Warren, who is an EMT) radio was getting through.” No person was injured in either fire.

Hanna Miner Memorial Parks and Recreation Director William Armstrong said the pool had some issues the week before. “The water temperature was hovering around 98 degrees,” Armstrong said. “It was turning people into lobsters. We discouraged any strong activity in the pool, but there were a few members that came in to get the ‘hot tub effect’.” He said the malfunction of the temperature gauge was found, fixed and the water was back down to 84 degrees at the time of the council meeting.

Armstrong also said the Boys and Girls of Carbon County will be coming to Hanna starting on January 16. There has been a director hired for the northern Carbon County chapter. The charge for kids will be $1 dollar a day and includes a snack.

Armstrong said the recreation center went to winter hours which means closure for Friday evening and Saturday. “With sports going on and whatever other reasons, we just don’t get the members coming in. It gets expensive to staff when nobody is coming in,” Armstrong said. “As I understand it, this happens every winter and that is why winter hours were started.”

An update about the  Last Mile Transmission project presentation was given by the company Innergex.

The Last Mile construction timeline: yard prep and receiving materials in January of 2023; February 2023 to May 2024, the project will be surveying, working on access, gates and roads; turbines to be completed by July of 2024. During this construction time, hunting will be suspended on leased properties to ensure the safety of workers. The area affected is located 14 miles northeast of Rock River and 20 miles east of Medicine Bow.

Buchanan said there were still meetings to come from the Wyoming Industrial Council to understand how communities feel about the footprint of the project and what mitigation needed to be done.

The Council un-tabled the new proposal from Long’s Technology maintenance agreement. The contract went up $872 for the year to $4,800. The Town wanted to look into why it had gone up so much.

Armstrong said the increase was substantial, but Long’s was familiar with the building which was built in 1984 and had been a part of a lot of the upgrades over the years. “They don’t have to learn all the problems with the center again and they know it pretty well,” Armstrong said. “They service the schools around here and other pools in Wyoming. It really isn’t easy to find companies that come out to places like Hanna.

The Council approved the contract.

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. on January 10 at the Hanna Town Hall.

Hanna Town Council Meeting

Reminder: Community Gas sign up at Town Hall.


Bank of Commerce to be a depository for Town of Hanna funds.

First reading of Ordinance 396; increases court costs and fees which reflect State Statute fees.

New Mayor Jon Ostling and new Councilmember Roger Hawks to attend the Wyoming Association of Municipalities (WAM) winter workshop.

2022 Wyoming Community Gas Monies totaling $3,875.13 to stay in fund for outdoor toilets at the Hanna Miner Memorial Recreation Center.

New tasers for the Marshal’s office.

Recreation Center

There was still a shortage of lifeguards.

South Central Wyoming Emergency Services

A representative from Hanna is needed to be on the board.


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