Party on the ice

Kids and adults slide into the fun on Saturday

Adults and kids alike enjoyed the Party on the ice sponsored by the Platte Valley Kiwanis. Susan Marich, President of the Kiwanis here in Saratoga, was thrilled by the turnout, which appeared to be approximately 80 visitors. Counting heads was difficult as people came and went and came back again.

The ice rink was Kiwanis club brain child. The rink is 30 feet by 50 feet and was filled with water by the fire department. There are skates available through the Saratoga Recreation Department to rent. They are $25 for the season or you can rent by the day. There are also free skates available at the rink that are older. These were donated to the Kiwanis by the Recreation Center and Bridge Street Bargains.

There was a cookie decoration table where kids could create their masterpiece cookie with frosting and sprinkles. Danny Burau from The Malt provided the cookies.

Barb Youngberg committee member, said that Lollipops provided the hot chocolate and the Saratoga Resort provided three pizzas. Susan Marich is the current president of the Kiwanis, she said she was amazed at the collaborative effort from the community and many donations. Marich said that Sinclair Oil was one of the biggest helpers to get things started in 2020, as well as support and donations from Rocky Mountain Kiwanis, the American Legion and Bridge Street Bargains. Marich said there were several local residents that had made donations to support the ice rink as well as the Carbon County School District #2 recreation board.

Marich said the Kiwanis is dedicated to the betterment of children. Although they serve other areas in the community such as the care center, they are focused on the kids. Every year they sent gift certificate to the local preschools for supplies, as well as Valley Village. They also provide scholarships, one in Encampment and two in Saratoga.

The Platte Valley Kiwanis meet the third Thursday of the month at the Platte Valley Community Center at 5:15 pm.


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