Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Emergency Management comes back for more

Carbon County Commissioners hears from all their departments

South Central Wyoming Emergency Medical (SCWEMS) representative Irene Archibald gave an update to the Board of Carbon County Commissioners at their December 6 meeting.

SCWEMS was given $154,179.00 for sustainability from the Wyoming Department of Health. Archibald this was designated specifically for bonuses for personnel as well as sign on bonuses. One of the burdens that came from being given this money was SCWEMS would have to pay payroll taxes on it and it had to be used by December 31, 2022. This would require SCWEMS to pay $10,000 in payroll taxes. Given that SCWEMS had budgeted $7,000 in 2023 for bonuses they decided to only use $122,000 of this money for bonuses and return the remainder. They used the $7,000 that was already budgeted and used it for payroll taxes. Archibald said the bonuses are pretty hefty this year.

Public Health Nurse Amanda Brown asked for the chairman’s signature on a contract between the Wyoming Department of Health-Public Health and Carbon County to help pay wages and supplies $278,000. Commissioners approved the chairman’s signature on the contract for the purpose of hiring staff to increase capacity and training through a grant in the amount of $278,000 through December 2025.

Brown reported they had lots of plans for new programs beginning this spring.

Dr. Duane Abels reported that COVID levels were still low, but influenza numbers had jumped significantly. Abels said although there is a shortage of Tamiflu, people should still get tested if they’re sick and seek treatment. He said the pediatric wards in several states are full with very sick kids and the majority is influenza. Abels encouraged everyone to get their flu shots. He also said the flu vaccine is readily available and seemed to be a good match this year.

Road and Bridge Office Manager Kandis Fritz presented the FY2023 High Risk Rural Roads Project HR23102-contract with WYDot for County Road 351 Centerline Stripe agreement. It was approved by the commissioners.

Emergency Management Director Lenny Layman gave the Commissioners a grant award agreement from Wyoming Homeland Security to pay half of his salary and half of the deputy director’s salary. The deputy director position is still vacant.

During discussion, Commissioner Sue Jones asked Layman to get on all of the municipalities’ agendas for January. She suggested prior leg work to make sure each municipality would be able to give their portion of the money, or find out if it will need to be carried by the county for a while, as well as giving the municipalities the opportunity to let their attorneys look at the MOU.

Layman said there is an immediate need for the deputy position. He said he was the only one in the department and that the county only pays half his salary. He said he can’t take a day off right now without taking his phone with him. He asked the commissioners focus on the need for the deputy regardless of whether they could bring in the municipalities to pay for part of the deputy’s salary.

Layman said he wasn’t comfortable with bringing this issue to the municipalities in January, basically strong arming them to sign an MOU. He asked that the commissioners allow him to post the position and hire someone. He felt they need to allow the new councils to come on board and then he will address them. Jones reiterated emergency management shouldn’t be waiting to get this done. Jones said they need to get this done and it is the responsibility of each municipality. She also applauded what Layman has been doing and how hard he has been working. Jones said they had never seen this kind of performance from an Emergency Management Director.

Commissioner Travis Moore asked Attorney Ashely Mayfield-Davis about a list of attorneys for the municipalities to whom they could send the MOUs ahead of time. Davis said the commissioners needed to consider if this position is important enough for the county to take it on even without the MOUs. Davis felt the time frame may be too close before the end of the year, especially since the new town councils may appoint a different attorney.

Commissioner John Espy made a motion to allow the Chairman’s signature on the grant award for salaries with a note that Rawlins and Saratoga come on board with an MOU or a resolution for their council supporting and willing to budget for half of the deputy’s salary. The motion was approved.

Buildings and Grounds Interim Director Mike Newbrough gave an update on the Jeffrey Center. They did the test with a generator running the elevator. The current generator couldn’t lift the elevator. Newbrough said they are looking at a 300W Generator to be able to run the elevator and the air conditioner. The cost would be between $75,000 and $100,000. They would be applying for grants to help with the cost.

Newbrough said he will be working with Layman on this project. Chairman John Johnson asked they have an electrician come in and get an estimate on the necessary kilowatts to cover what is needed.

Newbrough also reported there is a company coming in to dig up the water line at the Saratoga Public Health offices and restore the water supply.

The next meeting of the Board of Carbon County Commissioners will be at 9 a.m. December 20, 2022 at the Carbon Building-Courthouse Annex.

Carbon County Commissioners



Clerk of District Court Mara Sanger’s request for Bank of Commerce as 2023 depository.

Carbon County Undersheriff Shawn Kelley to fill vacant positions for a nurse, housing control, dispatcher and jail deputies.

Resolution 2022-55 confirming formation of the Carbon County Fire Protection District.

Resolution 2022-44: purchase agreement and authorized chairman signature on closing documents for donation of Cathy Gardens building to Cathy Gardens, Ltd.

Resolution 2022-56: purchase agreement and authorized chairman signature on closing documents for donation of Hugus Ferguson Building to Rawlins Downtown Development Authority.

Matt Webster, Information Technology Director, to order with Zetron for the mountain top radio system. Commissioner Jones signed the change order. The signature needs to be ratified

Dynamic Solutions to increase the amount of storage available on the camera system at the jail. The amount is $1,811.

Release for proposal for the amendments to County Land Use Plan approved for January 3, 2023.

Carbon County Deputy Clerk Debbie Lazarkiewicz had several items to submit for approval.

The 2023 Commissioner meeting schedule.

Designation of the Saratoga Sun as the 2023 official publication.

Other Business

Kelley thanked Road and Bridge for helping them recover a stolen vehicle on Deep Jack Road.

“Shop with a Cop”–they are trying to get kids from Saratoga, Encampment and Rawlins.

Commissioners signed letter of agreement between Denver Center and Dixon Airport.

Planning and Zoning Director Sarah Brugger have a reapplication with Two River’s Wind and will be applying for conditional use permits.


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