Is volunteerism dead?

In life you have three things to give to your fellow members of society: wealth, wisdom, and work. Giving your time to your community can make an impact not only in your community, but also to your happiness.

Volunteering means giving of yourself, with no monetary or material compensation. The rate that people volunteer has dropped considerably over the past few years, according to The Bureau of Labor and Statistics data. It isn’t dire, but it is clearly a downward trend. Organizations with very

deep roots in volunteerism have also suffered declining membership, such as Rotary Club, Kiwanis, American Legion, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts and community nonprofit organizations.

What is causing the decline? There is a lot of speculation, but there doesn’t appear to be a definite answer. There do seem to be a few possibilities that have made it difficult for people to step up to the plate.

Most families have both parents working. Parents are spread thin with kids and all their activities. People communicate online, giving them a sense of community, belonging and networking that fulfills the need to attend weekly or monthly meetings.

Volunteerism is a very important part of life for any community. It would be very difficult, no matter how small a town, to operate without having anyone willing to volunteer, willing to exercise the duty of volunteering.

Volunteering is normally associated with the being sincere, compassion, and kindness which a person directs towards other people and their environment. Volunteering allows people to be selfless and willing to put the needs of others before thier own.

Volunteers are normally people who would not think twice about sharing what they have with other people who are in need. Whether it’s a tragedy that occurs that needs immediate help, or a local entity or board that is working to take care of the community and improve lives. Generally people that volunteer give their time and skills to provide assistance to their fellow man. Research by the has found that participation in voluntary services is a significant asset for better mental and physical health, life satisfaction, self esteem, happiness, lower depressive symptoms, psychological distress, and mortality and functional inability. Volunteering can help a person network, find a job, and get exposure to situations that they would not normally encounter. You will be challenged and rewarded for your time.

In Carbon County, there is a huge need to fill seats on many boards of directors.

South Central Wyoming Emergency Services (SCWEMS) needs Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) badly. They recently offered an opportunity to become an EMT, taking the classes entirely online. The agency is covering the cost of the $1,950 for each student with basic requirements for completion and certification. If you are interested in becoming an EMT or perhaps driving the ambulance contact the SCWEMS director Stayton Moseby at 307-710-7559.

There are 40 Boards and Commissions that utilize volunteers in Carbon County. Currently there are several boards with empty seats including Baggs Solid Waste Disposal District;Upper Platte River Solid Waste Disposal District and the Old Pen Joint Powers Board.

If you would like to see all of the available positions in the county please visit


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