Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

County commissioners approve slate of zone changes

BOCCC appoint applicants for county boards, many still empty

Carbon County Clerk Gwynn Bartlett recognized Lisa Smith at the November 15 Board of Carbon County Commissioners meeting.

Smith has been with Carbon County and has been Deputy Clerk with the Elections. Bartlett said it is a tough job and Smith handles it with grace and does an amazing job. Bartlett also thanked all of the temporary help that comes in to help and the eighty election judges who work at the polls.

Bartlett also gave an update on the elections with no change to the results on election night. Sinclair’s town council race did have a recount due to a tie, but the results were the same.

Carbon County Coroner Brittany Nyman addressed the commissioners concerning the current indigent burial policy. She asked to consider adopting a new policy regarding reimbursement for indigent burials. The commissioners approved a motion to advertise the new policy to notify the public. They will address it again in January.

Carbon County Sheriff Archie Roybal also gave an update to the commissioners.

He said Sheriff-elect Alex Bakken had been shadowing him. Bakken and Roybal will be attending a class in Casper at the end of the month. They are currently in process of hiring a new detention officer. They are also getting the Text 911 program squared away.

Emergency Manager Lenny Layman presented an evacuation plan for the Town of Hanna. Layman gave the commissioners a draft of a “temporary lift of closure” on Carbon County Road 297, if needed.

Carbon County Fire Warden John Rutherford asked for approval to purchase a communication shell for Elk Mountain. A motion to wave the procurement policy and allow Rutherford to order the communication shell was approved. Cost approx. $66,000 to be funded out of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding. Approved by Commissioners.

Rutherford asked for approval to apply for a State Forestry Voluntary assistance grant for communication equipment.

Rutherford reports 496 calls for the year.

Carbon County Road and Bridge Superintendent Kandis Fritz spoke to the Commissioners concerning five bridges that are going to be replaced. Most of the bridge reconstruction won’t take place until 2026.

Carbon County Clerk Gwynn Bartlett presented an administrative service agreement for Blue Cross Blue Shield for signature. Approved for signature.

Board openings for Upper Platte River Solid Waste District and Baggs Solid Waste district, Old Penitentiary Joint Powers Board, currently no applicants.

Irene Archibald applied to be on the South Central Wyoming EMS Board. Lisa Smith has been reappointed to the Jeffrey Center Board. Planning and Zoning Commission has two openings but has one application from a current board member, Jay Grabow for reappointment. The Carbon County Fair Board had one application for reappointment of a current board member Justin Ready, and a new application from Samantha Buffington. Commissioners approved all the applications.

Bartlett asked if they should advertise for the Building and Grounds Manager position. Advertising approved by Commissioners.

Carbon County Attorney Davis presented the Memorandum of Understanding between the Bureau of Land Management and Carbon County regarding plans for greater sage-grouse draft. Motion to execute the MOU. Commissioners approved.

the communication shell was approved. The cost is approximately $66,000 and will be paid for through funds from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding.

Rutherford also asked for approval to apply for a State Forestry Voluntary assistance grant for communication equipment.

Rutherford reported 496 calls year-to-date.

Carbon County Road and Bridge Superintendent Kandis Fritz spoke to the Commissioners concerning five bridges which are scheduled to be replaced. Most of the bridge reconstruction won’t occur until 2026.

Bartlett presented an administrative service agreement from Blue Cross Blue Shield for signature which was approved.

Board openings for the Upper Platte River Solid Waste District, Baggs Solid Waste district and Old Penitentiary Joint Powers Board still do not have any applicants.

Irene Archibald applied to be on the South Central Wyoming EMS Board. Lisa Smith applied to be reappointed to the Jeffrey Center Board. The Planning and Zoning Commission has two openings but only one application from a current board member, Jay Grabow, for reappointment. The Carbon County Fair Board had one application for reappointment of a current board member Justin Ready, and a new application from Samantha Buffington. The commissioners approved all the applications.

Bartlett asked to advertise for the Building and Grounds Manager position which was approved by the commissioners.

Carbon County Attorney Ashley Mayfield Davis presented a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Bureau of Land Management and Carbon County regarding plans for greater sage grouse. The MOU was approved.

The next meeting of the Board of Carbon County Commissioners will be at 9 a.m. on December 6 at the Carbon Building-Courthouse Annex in Rawlins.

Carbon County Commissioners

Other Business

Planning and Zoning Certifications of recommended action

Z.C. Case #2022-19 - Jo Ella and Desire “Desi” Vacher - requested public hearing on January 17, 2022 at 11 a.m. Approved.

MIN SUB Case #2022-06 - Vacher Minor Subdivision - requested public hearing on January 17, 2022 at 11 a.m. Approved.

C.U. Case #2022-06 - Bloody Lake Communications Site - Union Telephone Company - Public hearing on Tuesday, December 20, 2022 at 11 a.m. Approved.

C.U. Case #2022-07 - Wilson Ridge Communications Site - Union Telephone Company - Public hearing on Tuesday, December 20, 2022 at 11 a.m. Approved.

Public hearing

Z.C. Case #2022-16 - Jeremy Perkins and Alanna Lee - zone change request, located in the Overlook Subdivision. Motion to adopt, Commissioners approved.

Z.C. Case #2022-17 - Brian Kisner - Motion to adopt, approved.

Z.C. Case #2022-18 - Matthew and Helen Vaughn - Motion to adopt, approved.

C.U. Case #2022-05 - Union Telephone Company and Sandstone Ranches, motion to adopt, approved.


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