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Sen. Barrasso Honored with 2022 NAISMA Special Recognition Award

Sen. Barrasso was honored with a 2022 North American Invasive Species Management Association (NAISMA) Special Recognition Award.

According to NAISMA, this award goes to an organization or individual who, through a specific act or group of acts, helped amplify NAISMA's mission.

Wyoming Weed and Pest Council (WWPC) is a partner with NAISMA, working together to prevent detrimental impacts of invasive species in Wyoming and throughout the country.

Since his appointment in 2007, Barrasso has been a strong advocate for WWPC and its work. He continuously engages in discussions and hearings of invasive species with his congressional colleagues.

Additionally, he's provided his time creating several television and radio announcements for WWPC on invasive weeds to build awareness.

"We are very fortunate in Wyoming to have a senator who understands the issues related to invasive species and works tirelessly to address them," said Slade Franklin, Weed and Pest Coordinator for the Wyoming Department of Agriculture, who nominated Barrasso for the award.

Not only has Barrasso brought attention to invasive species through public service announcements and hearings, but he's also acted through legislation.

His efforts include the following:

Introduced bill S.2240, the Federal Lands Invasive Species Control, Prevention, and Management Act

Introduced bipartisan bill S.268, the Wildlife Innovation and Longevity Driver Act (WILD Act)

Worked to include WILD Act language in S.47 Natural Resource Management Act as signed into law by former President Trump on March 12th, 2019.

"I believe his efforts have transcended Wyoming and has had a meaningful impact on the country," Franklin said.

Barrasso has made significant and impactful differences that have helped Wyoming, other states, federal agencies, and NAISMA membership. WWPC is honored to nominate and congratulate Barrasso for his award.

For information about Wyoming Weed and Pest Council, visit and follow on Facebook and Twitter.

About the Wyoming Weed and Pest Council

Wyoming Weed and Pest Council (WWPC) is comprised of 23 Weed and Pest Districts in the state of Wyoming. The Council works closely with the Wyoming Department of Agriculture and the University of Wyoming to keep current with the latest technology and research available in the ongoing management of noxious weeds and pests. The overall mission is to provide unified support and leadership for integrated management of noxious weeds and pests to protect economic and ecological resources in the state


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