Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Reflections from the Saratoga Sun

Water and pipes, never ending

100 Years ago

October 5, 1922

Two Inch Mains to be Laid First

Five blocks of trench completed for cross lines

Two blocks are added to the system. While awaiting delivery of the four inch and six inch cast iron pipe for the Saratoga Water mains, Contractor Crum has been amusing himself the past few days by digging the trench for five blocks of 2 inch pipe which will connect between the larger mains. Two blocks of this smaller main will be in addition to the system as at first designed and will supply patrons living on Saratoga street, between First and Third. The other three blocks of 2 inch main are between River and Third Streets on Hickory Avenue.

The contractor expects to receive the larger pipe no later than October 20th and states he will complete the system in short order once this material is received.

75 Years ago

October 9, 1947

Contractors will start finishing touches on sewerage system soon

Work on the sewage treatment system is going along quite well according to S.E. Hammond city engineer. The second pour on the walls of the disposal plant will be complete within the next two weeks.

Eight hundred feet of 6 inch line between Elm and Hickory is laid and 1,300 feet of 6 and 8 inch line on the east lateral between Main and Bridge Street is complete. Manholes will be poured in the near future if the weather permits.

Backfilling is progressing in the alleys and final finish grading will begin shortly.

Despite the shortage of materials and labor it is hoped that the system will be complete before severe weather sets in.

50 Years Ago

October 5, 1972

Town asks for bids for water, sewer

A call for bids for construction of water and sewer improvements in the Town of Saratoga was issued May 10 at a special meeting of the council.

Bids for the anticipated $304,500 project will be opened at 10 a.m. June 1 in the Town hall. Acceptance of the bid which best serves the interest of the town will be made a few days following that time and construction is is expected to begin by July 1.

According to Forrest Kepler, engineer for J. T. Banner & Associates, considerable interest has been shown by various contractors and several good bids are expected.

Engineering specifications for the project were submitted to the Town Council at the special meeting and unanimously approved as presented.

Other action taken by the Council included authorizing Banner & Associates as the construction engineers at a cost of about $45,000. The firm will provide a resident inspector, project and principal engineer during the time work is being done to extend and replace water lines, expansion of the sewer collection system, construction of the outfall lines across the river from the west side and enlarging the east side lagoon to handle the additional sewage.

25 Years Ago

October 8, 1997

Town receives grant for hot pool

The Town of Saratoga received good news on their continuing plans to upgrade the hot pool.

Mayor Kendall McBride said Monday, Saratoga received a grant totaling $18,000 to install a heating system under the sidewalks and in the floors of the locker rooms at the hot pool to prevent water from freezing on these areas.

The grant was made possible through the 1997-98 Wyoming Energy Plan and the Wyoming Division of Economic & Community Development. In a letter to Mayor McBride, John F. Nunley, III, Wyoming Energy and Conservation Office director, said his office thinks the heating system would be “a great demonstration of a renewable energy resource coupled with a public safety issue.”

The heating system would use geothermal hot water to prevent freezing. The grant was awarded on a matching basis.

Mayor McBride said the heating system, combined with the moss rock donated by the Saratoga Inn will greatly improve the hot pool facility.


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