Celebrating the positive

The CCEDC has its annual meeting in Sinclair

The Carbon County Economic Development Corporation (CCEDC) had their annual review meeting at the historic Sinclair (Parco) Theater. There was food and drink before which allowed guests to mingle before the meeting got underway.

CCEDC President, Copper France, started the meeting by talking about the past year of the CCEDC on the theater stage.

He thanked the investors of the organization first.

"The people we have to rely on to keep this organization solvent are so important and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and also say thank you for what you do to help Carbon County," France said.

France pointed out that all the municipalities are important to the CCEDC and he knows they hired the right person, 18 months ago, when they hired Yvonne Johnson to be the CCEDC Director. France said she traveled the County extensively and established good relations with all the municipalities. 

He thanked Johnson for all the work she had done in the past year and congratulated her for all the success she has had helping projects bear fruit. He told the attendees, Johnson was very careful with the organization's funds, making sure the monies were spent wisely.

After France thanked her, he gave amusing insight to their relationship. France told the audience he had met Johnson many years before when he was a kid and she was a lifeguard giving swimming lessons. He recounted how she helped him with his kicks.  "I don't know why I remember this exactly, since I don't have many memories from my childhood, and who knows, maybe it is because I am scarred for life," France said. "I always seemed to have a problem with my kick. Whenever she would tell me to kick, my knees would come apart. So one day she came to the pool with a pair of women's panty hose and she tied my knees together so when I would kick, my knees would stay together. That was the first time I was exposed to her thinking outside the box."

After France finished his humorous story, he made another joke. "I would like to go over the little list of projects that Yvonne has been working on," France said as he unfolded a sheet of paper that went all the way to the ground. "I am just joking as I unfold this paper, but in reality, Yvonne's work could probably fill this whole thing."

France told the audience Johnson had been educating herself by going to different conferences and meetings. ""Yvonne didn't come to us vastly experienced in economic development," France said. "What she has is passion. She has a heart and a dying desire to make Carbon County businesses succeed, to make Carbon County and the people of Carbon County better."

He said under Johnson's leadership, there has been an expansion of investors in the CCEDC. 

When France finished, there was a financial update, then Johnson got up to speak.

"I don't think I can say anything that will top what Copper said earlier," Johnson said. "But he is right about me working to strengthen relationships between communities and the CCEDC."

She said being a good listener, being present in different communities and town councils is key . 

"One thing about me too, if someone calls and I don't know the answer, I don't try and bluff my way through it," Johnson said. "I will do research and find out the answer, if it is out there."

Johnson said she enjoys attending the Carbon County Council of Governments (CCCOG)." She said her job is to be a connector. "It has been a major focus to have different businesses and organizations work together and give support where possible," Johnson said. "The more I get connected, the better I can help."

Johnson said this year the CCEDC website was launched. She said Energy Day, at the Carbon County Fair, the CCEDC helped coordinate, was successful. There were 11 companies who participated.

"In closing, the CCEDC is out there, building relationships," Johnson said. "I am being very diligent about this. I am prepared to work my hardest for this County and see it have even more success."

Her record in the past 18 months proves she means her words.


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