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SCWEMS, water and drones, Oh My!

Encampment Town Council hears multiple departmental reports

At the Encampment Town Council on August 11, Bob Davis, a candidate for House Representative 47 spoke about his agenda and answered questions from the council and guests.

Penny Layman, the South Central Wyoming Emergency Medical Services (SCWEMS) representative, was the first to speak. She read a letter to the council that was sent to SCWEMS from a nurse who’s husband had cardiac issues while they were hiking in the Sierra Madres. Due to the diligence and care given by the attending EMT’s and paramedics, this gentleman made the decision to go to the hospital in Rawlins. From there he was transported to Fort Collins for treatment for a life threatening issue.

Penny Layman then presented a resolution for SCWEMS to apply for a grant though ARPA to help fund a new ambulance station in Hanna. They are requesting up to $500,000 with a 50% match required. SCWEMS does not have to apply for entire amount.

The reason for the request is to move the ambulance service out of the Hanna Fire Station.

When the study was done several years ago by an independent organization, it was recommended that the service try to consolidate and create two separate stations for North and South stations. This would put care closer to those in need.

SCWEMS can qualify for this money because, presently, there are no facilities available at the current station to decontaminate and sanitize. The EMS crews have to take all the laundry home, shower at home and then return to sanitize and bring the unit back on line.

They are also unable to self-quarantine due to the small area available to them at the current station.

There are two options available at this time.

The first option is a building in Hanna that is available to purchase and remodel. The second option is a piece of land Union Pacific offered for purchase or lease to build a new facility.

If approved for the grant, SCWEMS plans to apply for other grants, donations or use their own general fund to pickup the 50% match. Encampment Town Council approved Resolution 2022-3.

Carbon County Emergency Manager, Lenny Layman, brought good news to the Encampment Town Council. After waiting for several months for approval of monies from Homeland Security, they decided they are not going to provide federal money for drones. Lenny Layman spoke with Ryan Wells, the fire chief at HF Sinclair about the dilemma. Wells then went before his board and HF Sinclair fully funded the cost of $15,000.

Only one bid was received from Green Mountain for the Grandview Park Restroom Improvement Bid.

Department of Public Works, Billy Accord, presented two restriction notices that will be sent to residents. The notices asks residents to temporarily conserve water.

Councilman Stas Banach was concerned about the possibility of a large amount of water usage.

Accord felt that it was unlikely to be more than 280,000 gallons.

Dan Jago, chairman of the Sierra Madre Water and Sewer Joint Powers Board, said the company doing the tank lining estimated no more than 14 days, or as little as 8 days to complete the project.

Jago had been working closely with Jon Nelson, they predicted as much as 800,000 gallons.

Councilman Banach then asked that the council reconsider charging a fee for the water. A motion was made to charge a fee and the motion died.

Lenny Layman also advised that he will be keeping an eye on the situation and will stay in touch with all involved.

Councilmember Shannon Fagan then made a motion that anything over 800,000 gallons would incur a regular fee from the town.

Councilmember Gary Stull asked to amend the motion to 850,000 gallons. Fagan agreed. A motion was made, seconded and passed with one opposed.

The Deptartment of Public Works gave an update on replacement parts for the elements that were damaged by lightening. Accord was able to put together an alarm system that works. A motion was made to buy the parts needed, despite the cost. The motion was passed.

A building permit for Doggett Greenhouse was approved.

The purchase of weed terminator for Public Works at $1303.75 was approved

The release of lien for delinquent utilities on Block 94, Lots 3 and 4 was approved.

Town Clerk, Doreen Harvey, asked to wait until the closing sale of the property at Block 64, Lots 13-16 because the utility bill is attached to the balance due on the property. A motion was made and approved

ARPA direct funding of $37,033.10 allocation was discussed. Mayor Greg Salisbury asked Harvey to research if the funds could be used toward the water project.

Xerox Lease renewal options were discussed. Council approved to renew the current provider.

Harvey asked to transfer funds for use of Impact Funding of $11,872.89 and Lagoon Project match of $7564.61 from Specific Purpose.

Electrical issues at Grandview Park were discussed. Gary Stull will contact an electrician to address the issues and get an estimate.

The next regular meeting of the Encampment Town Council, will be at 7 p.m. September 8, 2022 at the Encampment Town Hall.


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