Serving the Platte Valley since 1888
SCWEMS JPB representative gives positive report
The weather was beautiful for the Riverside Town Council meeting on July 12, 2022.
Helen Weiland of South Central Wyoming Emergency Medical Services Join Powers Board (SCWEMS JPB) reported “everyone is onboard with new director” and volunteerism is on the rise.
The new EMTs have also started. The new EMT for Encampment needs to pass National Chest exam. She will then be on call. Currently she is driving.
“Things seem to be coming together” said Weiland.
However, Saratoga needs a new representative. Marie Christan is becoming an EMT and will no longer be able to serve on the board
Encampment calls are down. “We do no have an EMT running out of here, they have to come from Saratoga. Heidi (the current EMT) had a call in which she was injured and had to step back until healed” Weiland said.
The Parks Department relayed that a majority of the projects are done. All the tables are painted and the Ramada was stained.
Leroy Stephenson, Mayor, said new benches were going to be orderd for around the park. Back boards for the baskeball court will also going to be purchased.
The men’s room toilet at the park has been fixed. The park restrooms are functional again
Ed Golden, Councilmember, had concerns of an ATV ripping up the road coming up the hill near second and prospect street.
Leann Stephenson, Sierra Madre Joint Powers Board (SMJPB), was not present so Mayor Stephenson provided an update. The SMJPB is planning to shut down Riverside water the second week in September. The Town of Riverside will be hooking up to Encampment water for a week while they drain and re-seal the water tank.
Jan Cook, Town Clerk, informed the Council the handmade street signs are starting to fade. The Council approved painting the signs as well as railing and trim at the Town hall.
Jan has been cleaning up the record Storage building behind town hall. Mayor Stephenson said the project should be completed before winter.
Carbon County Flood Maps have been delayed. FEMA is revising them once again to ensure they are correct. New maps should be available by the end of 2022. Then they will go through the process of approval. Effective maps expected 2024.
Mayor Stephenson said they have been working on these maps this for six years now. The town will have to continue to use old FEMA maps until the new ones are approved. The ones in Town Hall are no longer valid.
Lastly, the Council approved a $200 donation to the town of Encampment for fireworks. The Council thought they are a good attraction and brings visitors to the area.
The next meeting will be at 6 p.m. on August 12 at the Riverside Town Hall.
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