Encampment Mayor questions taking ARPA monies

Mayor Salisbury feels grant is taking advantage of taxpayers

The Encampment Town Council met at 7 p.m. on July 14 at the Encampment Town Hall as the summer in Wyoming hits the halfway point.

In attendance on the Council was Mayor Greg Salisbury, council members Bill Craig, Shannon Fagan Craig and Gary Stull. Council member Stan Banach was absent.

The agenda and minutes from the regularly scheduled meeting on June 9 and a special meeting on June 30 were quickly improved.

The next course of action by the Council was to approve the financials. Town clerk/treasurer presented the monthly expenses. The Council ratified the bills.

Penny Layman, Encampment representative to South Central Wyoming EMS (SWCEMS) was the first guest to speak at the meeting.

She asked the Council to pass a resolution for SCWEMS to apply for a grant to replace radios. She said the grant was not a matching grant and it would pay the entirety of the radios. All municipalities affiliated with SCWEMS had to pass a resolution granting the application. Resolution 2022-6 for the grant was approved. Layman was reappointed SCWEMS representative to Encampment

Dan Jago gave an update on the repair of the water tank project. He said from September 12 to 23, was tentative date for when the tank would be down. There might be some water restrictions depending on how dry September is, but at the present time, there are no plans for water restrictions.

The Council approved applying for a grant from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to help fund the sewer lagoon project.

Salisbury had concerns about applying for the grant because he felt it might be taking advantage of taxpayers that have funded the monies for the grant. Craig said he understood the concern. Since applying for the grant did not mean the town had to take it, Craig felt applying for the grant was a good thing to do at the moment.

“If you want to waste money, let's get on with it,” Salisbury said. “I am opposed and you understand why.”

A resolution was approved to submit for the grant.

Bill Acorn was approved to the planning commission with a term expiring on June 30, 2023.

The town approved advertising for Music in the Park on August 6 for $520.

Up to $1500 was approved to be used for purchasing food for the Music in the Park event.

Grass seed from Doggett Greenhouse was approved to be purchased for $520.

The police department was approved to apply for a funding opportunity to purchase radios for the fire department The amount was $55,845.00.60.

The police department was approved to purchase radio antennas and supplies and entry tools for a total of $1662.00.

A catering permit was approved to White Dog Liquors for August 26 and 27 at the Encampment Opera House.

A lien for delinquent utilities on Block 94, lots three and four was approved.

The next regular council meeting will be at 7 p.m. on August 11 at the Encampment Town Hall.


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