Myers clears hurdles at State

LSRV’s Hadley Myers comes away with 1st place in 300 meter hurdles

The Little Snake River Rattlers finished out the track season with the state track meet in Casper. Wyoming weather made for a difficult meet for all the athletes with a chill in the air during the three day meet. The Rattlers competed with passion in all 18 scored events.

Hadley Myers took 1st place in the 300 meter hurdles and 2nd place in the boys 110 meter hurdles. The boys 4x100 meter relay team also took a 2nd place spot. The girls 1600 sprint medley came in 4th place. This three day event in Casper was the final track meet for the LSRV Rattlers. The Rattler track team will most likely take their experience this season and use it to take a bite out of the next spring track season.  

Girls State Results

Cashley Criswell in the 100 meter dash took 8th place with a  time of 14.21 seconds. 

Skylynn Ready in the 800 meter run had a time of 2 minutes 47.69 seconds. 

Enduring the 3200 meter run Catrina Habel took 9th place with a time of 14 minutes 39.46 seconds.    

Banessa Saenz took 9th place in the high jump with a height of 4 feet 4 inches. 

Regina Herrera in shot put had a distance of 28 feet 9.25 inches. In discu Herrera took 7th place with a distance of 94 feet 6 inches.

The girls 1600 sprint medley took 4th place with a time of 4 minutes 54.91 seconds. The race was ran by Banessa Saenz, Skylynn Ready, Cashley Criswell, and Catrina Habel. 

Boys State Results   

In the 100 meter dash Kannadis Peroulis took 7th place with a time of 11.71 seconds. In the long jump Peroulis Took 3rd place with a distance of 20 feet and ¼ inch. In the triple jump Peroulis took 3rd place with a distance of 41 feet 5.5 inches. 

Hadley Myers in the 110 meter hurdles took 2nd place with a time of 16.31 seconds. Myers  in the 300 meter hurdles took 3rd place with a time of 41.82 seconds. 

Cale Cheatham in the high jump reached heights of 5 feet 6 inches taking 7th place.  Cheatham in the long jump took 9th place with a distance of 18 feet 7 inches. 

Jaziel Giron in the long jump took 6th place with a distance of 19 feet 3.75 inches. Giron in the triple jump had a distance of 38 feet 4 inches. 

In dicus Bridger Cozzens had a distance of 94 feet  2 inches. 

In the 4x100 meter relay the Rattlers took 2nd place with a time of 45.8 seconds. The race was ran by Jordy Valles, Cale Cheatham, Hadley Myers, and Kannadis Peroulis

In the 4x400 meter relay LSRV took 6th place with a time of 3 minutes 52.28 seconds. The race was ran by Mason Davis, Chase McKee, Jordy Valles, and Hadley Myers.         

In the 4x800 meter relay the Rattlers took 7th place with a time of 9 minutes 47.61 seconds. The race was ran by Mason Davis, Mason Jones, Zane Matheson, and Chase McKee. 


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