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Van Winkle joins Marshal's office

Hanna swears in new deputy marshal, discusses water usage and breaks

The Hanna Town Council met on March 8 for its regularly scheduled meeting.

Mayor Lois Buchanan was not present. Mayor Pro-Tem Sammy Sikes ran the meeting. All other council members were present.

After the approval of the agenda, John Van Winkle was sworn in as the new Hanna deputy marshal.

"Welcome aboard," Sikes said. "Good to have you."

Craig Kopasz, Engineering Associates, said he was working with Public Works Director Larry Korkow in anticipation of putting in the new water line. He said three contractors have called him about the job.

"We are still in the infancy of this project," Kopasz said. "I just wanted to let you know we are doing what we can."

Korkow said snow removal has kept public works busy along with the plummeting temperatures.

"This freeze - thaw weather we have been having has caused some water breaks," Korkow said. "So we have been getting them fixed. Also, Main Street has some issues with all the water settling there and once the weather gets dry, we will address it. I think the best thing we can do is add rock to it."

David Sutter, chief operator at the water treatment plant, said the town went through about 3.5 million gallons for the month.

"It is about the same as it was last month, maybe just a little more with some of the breakages," Sutter said. "But we caught them pretty fast so there was not any major impact. Everything is running pretty well."

Hanna Marshal Ted Kranenberg said, with addition of Van Winkle, staffing was going well.

"I am still putting on finishing touches of policy procedures," Kranenberg said. "Having John will help."

He said all the locks in the office had been changed.

Recreation and Parks Director Vivian Gonzales said she is looking for lifeguards to replace ones who are leaving. Gonzales said memberships are going up. The Wyoming Health Fair will be at the recreation center on April 19.

Fire Chief Mark Kostovny gave a report on the hours being put in by the volunteer fire fighters. He said the hours averaged 223.5 for each volunteer. He also thanked the companies and businesses that support the Hanna Volunteer Fire Department.

After the board and department reports were approved by the town council, the financials were gone over and approved.

Josh Cartahan from Long Building Technologies discussed maintenance and repairs of the Hanna Recreation Center. The company is responsible for maintaining the boilers and water systems of the recreation center.

He said the burner in the largest boiler might be going bad. He said the company wanted to go in when the weather gets warmer and take the boiler apart and replace the burner. He hopes that will prevent having to replace the entire boiler. He recommended bringing in a mechanical engineer to look at the hydronic part to the system. He said the cost would be around $3,500.

The council thanked him for coming to explain the options for the recreation center.

There was no unfinished business.

Under new business the council approved task order 22407.00 from Engineering Associates for the Old Town Water System Rehab Phase 2.

The council approved the deductible for the LGLP (Local Government Liability Pool) for the fiscal year of 2023 which covers from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023.

The Hanna Carbon County Visitor Council representative Mike Armstrong was re-appointed for a three year term.

The council approved the first reading of Ordinance 394 which designates the amount of general tax to be assessed, levied and collected for the fiscal year 2022 to 2023 on all taxable real and personal property with the town of Hanna.

It was decided to table the replacement and repair estimates of the recreation center until more information could be sourced.

The Hanna Recreation Center is having a logo contest and Gonzales gave the council what had been submitted. The council decided to extend the contest for another month.

The next scheduled Hanna Town Council meeting is scheduled at 6:30 p.m. on April 12 at the Hanna Town Hall.


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