HEM using season to build character

Miners learn through adversity of difficult season

The Hanna, Elk Mountain, Medicine Bow (HEM) Miners faced two opponents who were not scared to run their press all game long against the team of five.

Head Coach Cliff Jones has no issue with a team who will run up scores. With five players he reiterates, the season is not based on win or losses but on how well the Miners improve week to week. 

The first game of the week was on February 18 against the Guernsey-Sunrise Vikings.

"The game against Guernsey was not one of our best played games and Guernsey is a good team," Jones said. "But when the score is 50-15 and they were still fast breaking with a press, the boys started getting a little frustrated."

The Vikings won 76-47.

Jones knows a coach can tell his players to ease up on the press or to stop the fast break layups.

"That is what frustrated the boys in Guernsey, there was no let up," Jones said. "The Vikings scored more points in the 4th quarter than they did in the other quarters, which shows there was no intention to ease up no matter what the score."

The Miners hosted the Kaycee Buckaroos on February 19, and although the score was 79-29 in favor of Kaycee, he didn't feel the game was quite the same as Guernsey.

Kaycee began putting in other players who don't get much playing time.

Jones realizes there are instances when a player is given a chance to play and score, he is going to do it and not care if the other team is down 40 to 50 points.

"There was a senior on the Kaycee team that hit two 3 pointers as the 4th quarter was winding down and we were down substantially," Jones said. "The coach came over and apologized this kid took the shots, But I get it. This boy isn't a starter and doesn't get a chance to play in a lot of varsity games, so when his chance came to play, he wanted to play. I told the coach I had absolutely no qualms with that kid. He works hard in practice and does his best. As a coach you can't tell him to not play hard or don't shoot when you are open, because that was his moment. You can't tell a kid like that who has been working hard in practice not to take a shot in a varsity game when he doesn't get a chance to be on court."

Jones liked seeing the smile on the player's face even though his team was down 35 points.

Although the Miners didn't play as well as he feels they could in either game, he was proud when freshman Cody Priest hit his first 3 pointer of the season.

"For that particular trip down the court, we had a play in mind and we executed it," Jones said. "We won that matchup and that is what we as a team and as a coach have to look at."

Jones said the disadvantage of having a small team for the past couple of years is there is no opportunity to form a junio varsity team. 

"There is no opportunity for kids to practice and get ready for varsity," Jones said. "With eight kids, there can't be a JV and the bottom kids don't get a lot of chances to play basketball. Rayce (Ward) and Jesse (Deegan) the first two years didn't get the minutes of ball on the court that makes you better. Now they have been thrust into the game with not a lot of experience.  If they could have played in JV games their freshmen and sophomore years, it would make a difference."

Jones said it is a numbers game with small schools. He believes next year it will be a little better on how many kids are available and the year after possibly even better.

"So with the small number of kids playing this year we are looking at a successful season on how well we improve and how well we handle adversity," Jones said. "For the most part we can say we have had a successful year."

Jones said frustration does occasionally bubble up, but it is to be expected when games feel out of control.

"I always tell the boys, 'if the worst thing in life that happens to you in life is that you only won three games in one basketball season, then you are going to live a very blessed life'", Jones said. "I tell them, life isn't fair and sometimes you are going to get cheated, you are probably going to have more adversity than have positive things happen, but the key is to try and limit the failures and not repeat them and embrace, cherish, the positive moments because sometimes they come far and few between."

Jones said he feels this is why there is high school athletics.

"I would love to have a team like Saratoga that is one of the best teams in the State, that brings in trophies. They have my respect on many levels and their success is deserved," Jones said. "And I mean absolutely no disrespect to that team or any team in our school district, but I don't see any kids from the district making their living playing basketball when they become adults. It is the same with FFA students. Not all that many are going to be making their living in agriculture. What these programs do for kids is make them well rounded individuals. I think kids that face adversity and face some long odds are going to be better off to face life because it builds character. There is nothing wrong with that."

The Miners will have hosted the Guernsey-Sunrise Vikings on February 22 for a pigtail play-in game.


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