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Let 2022 Spark Joy

What does the next year look like for you? Are you hoping to do the same old same thing or to walk into 2022 with a breath of fresh air? No matter what your goals are for the new year I hope you enjoy the little things in life as well as the big. One way to spark joy for some could be to focus on the really important stuff. Or perhaps to stop engaging in bad habits or negative situations. For some even stopping to smell the flowers or eat lunch can spark joy in their day. Discard the things in life that don't bring you joy and happiness. 

By now the term "spark joy" has entered many homes thanks to Marie Kondo. The idea was first mentioned in Marie Kondo's books, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up 'Japan, 2011; US, 2014' and Spark Joy 'Japan, 2012; US, 2016', as a key component of her trademarked KonMari Method.

I've watched the Netflix series 'Tidying up with Marie Kondo' and Kondo has made a name for herself internationally thanks to her famous KonMari method. There's no deeper meaning here: KonMari is simply the combination of Marie Kondo's first and last name. Kondo trademarked the term because it's her name.  While many people associate her method with cleaning, it's really about discarding items lacking value.

So what does "sparking joy" mean and how do you know when you feel it? In the first episode of 'Tidying Up with Marie Kondo',Kondo describes joy as:

"You feel it when you hold a puppy, or when you wear your favorite outfit." She continues, "It's a warm and positive feeling," speaking via her translator.

I'm not sure about you but I want every day to feel like that. It's wonderful when you come home after a long day to a nice clean house. Imagine walking into the year 2022 and feeling the same way.

In the KonMari method you're to go item-by-item and consider if it sparks joy. Though the method and Netflix series are centered around cleaning a home or space, I feel we can do that in our lives as well. Going through experiences or people who are more draining than joyfull. For some this can manifest as a feeling of peace, comfort, nostalgia or excitement. Don't overthink it and keep in mind there isn't a right or wrong way to learn. Think about how something makes you feel. If it doesn't bring you joy it doesn't deserve space in your life. 

I'm not advocating you quit your job tomorrow or make any rash decisions. However, really look at the things and people you allow into your space. I know I mentioned this wasn't about cleaning but for some a simple chore routine could make all the difference in the coming new year. A small change like having breakfast every morning could be only a little spark of joy, but have a big impact on your day. 

"The ultimate goal... is really to learn to cherish everything that you have" mentions Kondo in her Netflix series.

So it might not be all holding puppies. I know I'm not entirely thrilled to deal with a bathroom leak in my home that has extended two floors. I am however exceptionally joy filled my family was able to purchase a home. One may not be enthusiastic to brave the cold in the early morning hours to go to work. However, your job may provide a lifestyle you enjoy. 

"Something can spark joy because of what it allows you to do – say a laptop that earns you a living, and so on " says Kondo, also in her Netflix series. 

So what about things that definitely do not spark joy? Do friends who aren't actually your friend, judgmental relative or bad habits spark joy? If something doesn't spark joy for you, then according to the KonMari method it's time to say goodbye. This is always easier than it sounds. Removing toxic people from your life and changing your habits is not for the faint of heart.

According to a quick google search; "It can take anywhere from 18 to 254 days for a person to form a new habit and an average of 66 days for a new behavior to become automatic. There's no one-size-fits-all figure, which is why this time frame is so broad; some habits are easier to form than others, and some people may find it easier to develop new behaviors."

Just like many things, beginning small is a great place to start, like making extra time in the morning to have breakfast with your family for example. Maybe 2022 is the year someone gives up smoking. Possibly wearing your favorite coat or sweater can spark enough joy to make you smile throughout the day. Even stopping for coffee on your way into work. These are all small things to spark a little joy in your day. Walking into 2022 thankful for what you have and sparking joy for others sounds like a much better year than the past few 20'somethings we don't have to mention here. No matter what the next year holds for us all I hope we can all spark a little joy.


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