Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Weighing trash

UPRSWDD discusses weight system for landfills

The Upper Platte River Solid Waste Disposal District (UPRSWDD) met December 1 for their regularly scheduled meeting. Amongst the topics discussed were the possibility of landfill system changes and an addition to the Saratoga landfill for a recycling facility.

Brought to the table in the December meeting was a weigh in and weight out option for all trash, with a paid collection at the gate. The proposal would eliminate billing all together and create a pay by weight or possibly bag system. Multiple things would be needed to implement a new system as stated in the meeting. This included but was not limited to new scales at both facilities in the Valley along with staff to assist with weighing and payment collection.

“You’re going to need another person to run the scales out there and two people in the office for collecting payments and bookkeeping. We would need to be insured for having money out there as well. Right now we ensure ourselves but collecting payments would change that.” stated Susan Munson about things needed with the possible change of system. Also addressed was the lack of space in Encampment/ Riverside for a scale

“There’s not alot of room out there.” said Ron Munson

“We would need a scale the right size to fit and also hold the haul trucks that come in and out of Encampment,” said chairman Randy Raymer

The board cited the need for extensive research on multiple options to replace the current system. Sue Jones stated the system currently in place is inefficient and the need is present for a system that is fair across the board.

It would be a big change requiring a lot of work from the board members. Preparing for a complete overhaul of the system will take time and dedication from all involved. This includes exploring city versus rural landfill costs, pay at the gate along with other billing options and a by weight system and operating options are the board’s next steps.

Two blue print options were also presented to the board from Engineering Associates. The two options showed different door configurations on the 40 by 30 foot addition. Option one included a 16 by 12 foot garage door as an entrance to the recycling facility and option two included six separate hatch doors to collect and separate recycling. Due to wind and user error, the board was in favor of option one with a garage door in order to pull out of the wind and unload and sort the recycling.

The next scheduled meeting of the UPRSWDD is at 7:00 P.M. January 5 2022 at the Riverside Town Hall.


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