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Town of Saratoga addresses sight issue at intersection
Though the Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) hasn’t yet painted crosswalks at the intersections of 1st Street and Bridge Avenue, the Town of Saratoga has taken steps to address both driver and pedestrian safety.
At the October 19 meeting of the Saratoga Town Council, Councilmember Jon Nelson informed the rest of the governing body he had approached business owners at the intersection about extending the “No Parking” zone along 1st Street. Those businesses are Koyoty Sports, Laura M Gallery and Hotel Wolf.
“Two were totally supportive of extending those no parking areas back even at the cost of some parking spaces,” said Nelson. “One was supportive other than the comment that the bushes on the southwest corner, which I had never mentioned or contemplated, should also be addressed as part of that improvement of the sight triangle.”
Nelson added he believed the Town of Saratoga not only had the authority to extend the no parking zone along 1st Street, but the support of the businesses which would be most affected. A motion made by Councilmember Ron Hutchins to extend the zone passed unanimously and, on October 22, the streets department repainted the curbs at the intersection of 1st Street and Bridge Avenue.
As for WYDOT painting crosswalks at the intersections, Nelson explained once the department of transportation had agreed to take on the task, he had stepped back from the project. According to Public Works Director Jon Winter, WYDOT was still gathering the appropriate materials.
In other streets department business, Winter was given permission to hire a new employee. Winter informed the governing body he had interviewed Jeremy Kleinhans of Cheyenne and was impressed with the applicant.
“Seems like a solid young individual,” said Winter.
While Winter was given permission to hire Kleinhans, the department of public works is now running into the same issue which has plagued the Saratoga Police Department all year; housing. Winter admitted as such in the meeting, stating Kleinhans had a young family and still needed a place to live.
Additionally, while Winter may have hired a new employee for the streets department, the Chief Ken Lehr and the police department are now on the search for more employees. Along with trying to hire new officers, and find housing for them, Lehr announced the resignation of long-time dispatcher Kandi Starr on October 19.
“She’s taken a job up at the clinic. She’ll be leaving here October 28 and we’ve already been scrambling looking to hire a replacement for her as well as the officers we’ve been looking to hire,” said Lehr.
Councilmember Ben Spaulding, who is the representative to the Saratoga Police Department, said he spoke with Starr about her resignation. Spaulding said she was an asset to the department and she would be missed, adding there was a possibility of her working part-time to aid the department until a full-time replacement could be found. Lehr said he told Starr she would be welcome back to the department at any time.
The next meeting of the Saratoga Town Council will be at 6 p.m. on November 2 at Saratoga Town Hall.
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