Cleaning up for graduation

Hanna Elementary 6th grade students pick up trash to mark end of school year

Graduation from 6th grade to middle school is often marked with a ceremony or small party of some sort by students, teacher and school.

In small schools, the transition means that a students is not a little kid any more. When agriculture was dominant in the economy and workforce, a 6th grade education typically the limit.

Times have dramatically changed since then but there is still an idea that going into 7th grade means a child is leaving behind recess and to some degree innocence. Middle and High School is a very different world.

To celebrate this next step in life, the Hanna Elementary School (HES) 6th graders decided to do something different.

"In lieu of our traditional 6th grade graduation, the kids decided that they wanted to do something to give back to the community this year," Jackie Jones 6th grade teacher said. "So they decided on a community cleanup because they had noticed the garbage and different things alongside the road."

Jones said there was still some fun to be had after the students finished their service on Wyoming Highway 72 from the bridge over the railroad tracks to end near the Hanna Recreation Center.

"We will go to Korner Café and have some nachos and milkshakes," Jones said. "Then we will have an afternoon of swimming at the recreation center. The class thought it would be a good way to end the school year, giving back."

Jones said when deciding on what to do for graduation there were several options on the table, but the students decided on picking up trash for the town.

"Any time you can get kids this young involved and invested in the community, it will hopefully make an impact for the future," Jones said. "They could have picked something else entirely."

Jones said there has been community clean up by schools in Hanna before, but never a 6th grade class and it certainly has never been done to celebrate a graduation.

"I have to admit, it has been so long ago, I don't even remember if it was the elementary school or high school, but it was way back," Jones said. "Different groups have before, the Girls Scout Troop did."

As the 6th grade class went down the highway, the girls went on the left side and the boys stayed over on the right. One girl shouted out she found a stuffed animal.

Her female classmates told her to quickly put it in the bag.

Hanna resident and former council member Linda Schisel drove by and stopped and asked what was happening.

When Jones told her it was the 6th grade's present to the town for graduation, Schisel was touched.

"This is exceptional," Schisel said. "I am so proud of them. It has just made my day so much better."

Jones noticed her class was moving quickly down the road.

"Well, they are doing such a good job, we probably will be early to the restaurant," Jones said. "I guess that means we will do a little more of the road than I thought."

The surprising thing during this cleanup was all the laughter. The kids were enjoying their community service.

A concept Jones had hoped would happen and was gratified to hear.

"It is impossible not to be proud that I got to teach this class," Jones said as she followed the students down the road.


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