From curls to cuts

Lacey Hanson, owner of LJ's Cuts, sets up shop in former site of Jamie's Clip-n-Curl

When starting any business, the ultimate goal is to see growth as time goes by. For Lacey Hanson, owner of LJ's Cuts, that goal has been achieved a little more than a year since starting her business.

Opening in October 2019, LJ's Cuts moved into the seemingly tight market of hair salons in the Valley. Similar to many of the salons in the area, Hanson had her own niche as she was the only salon in the area to operate strictly by walk-in rather than through appointment. 

Renting Suite G in the Evans' Business Mall on Bridge Avenue, Hanson also had to compete for signage space in hopes that she could attract customers.

Often, a sandwich board sign with pink lettering on black background set up in front of the business mall signaled when she was open. That sign will no longer be seen on Bridge Avenue as LJ's Cuts has officially made the move to a new location.

As of last week, LJ's Cuts moved to 111 Main Street, the former location of Jamie's Clip-n-Curl. Jamie Campbell, owner of Jamie's Clip-n-Curl, approached Hanson as she was preparing to retire following nearly three decades cutting hair. At the same time, Hanson was looking for a new and larger location.

"I was ready for it and I was kind of looking for places to go, but I wasn't really finding anything that I thought would work without any renovations," said Hanson. "So, when Jamie came to me and asked if I wanted to take over, I didn't hesitate for a second."

According to Hanson, she was approached by Campbell near the end of January about moving to the new location and even taking over her long-time customers. Currently, ten of Campbell's customers are booked with Hanson until the end of April. After that, they will, hopefully, continue to see Hanson.

On Friday afternoon, when the Saratoga Sun sat down with Hanson for an interview, she had just finished her first appointment with one of Campbell's customers, Mary Pigg. Even though Pigg's appointment was a simple style with a curling iron, Hanson said she was a little nervous.

While she had 10 years experience at Great Clips in Laramie and another 18 months in Saratoga since opening LJ's Cuts, Hanson knew that many of Campbell's customers were used to the way she did things.

"I still have to ask a million questions even though Jamie didn't have to," Hanson said.

Despite her nervousness, it seemed that Hanson made Pigg happy with her work.

"She was happy and she's coming back next week," said Hanson.

The move to Main Street shouldn't come as too much of a shock to Hanson's customers as she made sure to tell as many of them as possible. According to Hanson, the move should be the only major change for her customers. She will still accept walk-ins, though Campbell's customers have the option to set up appointments, and there won't be any changes in her pricing.

"If appointments work better for you, we can make an appointment for you but I still prefer to do walk-in (business) because that's what I opened in Saratoga to do," Hanson said.

While Hanson is still following her original business plan, she said that the customers she is hoping will follow her over from Jamie's Clip-n-Curl should still expect the same level of service they were used to for many years.

"Some walk-in places that are bigger; you walk in, you sit down, you get your haircut, you leave," said Hanson. "I still try to make it personable."

For more information, or to ask about hours each week, customers can contact Hanson at 307-977-2019.


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