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From River to River

HEM athletes show well in Wind River and Green River Invites

Jackie Jones, head coach for Hanna, Elk Mountain, Medicine Bow (HEM) track was a little worried that the weather might be a factor for the track team to be able to compete at the Green River Meet.

The weather was cold, but the snow predicted did not materialize to prevent HEM from competing. A lot of other teams also showed up, too, but Jones did say it was cold and windy.

“The day was beautiful with the sun shining, but once the wind started to pick up and you were in the wind, it was a cold day,” Jones said. “My hat is off to every kid that was out there because it was tough conditions and it is heartening to see all these kids give it their all no matter what was thrown at them.”

Jones said although the conditions were not perfect, she and the team are just glad to be competing this year after the cancellation of all high school track last year due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Last week, after Wind River put out their official results, HEM came in third as a team.

“That was pretty exciting,” Jones said. “It turns out we actually came out very well of the nine teams that came to the meet. The results, when finalized, showed Avery (Scott) came in first in the 400 which was great. So we had a few girls place in that meet.”

The track event at Green River still had HEM have a good showing although there were almost 10 times the amount of teams competing.

“Green River was definitely a very large meet. There were tons of teams,” Jones said. “For instance, in the 100 alone, probably close to 80 girls and over a 100 boys competed.”

Jones said due to the scale of so many competitors, it took some time for races to be completed. 

“Our times may not have been where we would have wanted them, but not to make any excuses, the conditions were not ideal,” Jones said. “But we did have some girls do some great things.”

Taylar Scott placed 3rd in the triple jump, even with a strained quad.

“I think with time over spring break, she should heal up just fine,” Jones said. “Madison Campbell did a nice job in the 800 coming in 5th and Amy (Campbell) came in 4th in the discus and 6th in the shot put with nearly 60 throwers there.”

Jones was happy that Ura Schmidt got to compete. He had been shy one practice in order to compete at Wind River, so Green River was his first track event of the year.

“Ura actually P.R.’d (personal record) in the disc,” Jones said. “Sometimes it’s those small things that make a huge difference to the kids when we attend these meets as the season goes on.”

Jones makes it clear that she is pleased to be back coaching track this year after last year’s cancelation.

“Once again, I have to say, I am so proud of all the athletes that were out there competing, giving it their all,” Jones said. “I am happy we’re out there doing it this year.”

Jones is not having the team go to any meets during the upcoming spring break.

“We are letting the kids enjoy the break, spend time with families and let them be kids,” Jones said. “A couple are going on college visits, so this break is good for our seniors on the team.”

When the team gets back, they will be going to Cheyenne on April 9 for a meet and, the next day, they will travel to Wheatland to compete.


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