Serving the Platte Valley since 1888
Encampment Town Council cancels winter event for 2021
The bulk of the Encampment Town Council meeting on December 10, 2020 was once again centered around the discussion of Union Wireless upgrading their tower is located in the town of Encampment, one block from the school and directly across the street from a daycare facility.
Mayor Greg Salisbury told the Union Wireless Representative that he wants to err on the side of caution and make “dang sure” that the public will not be affected by radio waves.
There were many questions about the amount radio frequency (RF) emissions would increase and there was mention of information from a cancer institute on the effects of radio waves.
The representative pointed out the RF emissions reports and drawings of the new tower have been provided and asked what else could be done to assist with the decision.
Toward the end of the discussion, the Union Wireless representative agreed to bring back a report showing the amount of current RF emission and the estimated emissions from the new tower and equipment.
The winter carnival was discussed next. Concern was expressed over the possibility of spreading COVID at an event where it would be difficult to enforce social distancing. Salibury pointed out that since the Town of Encampment is a government entity, there really wasn’t a choice to be made since they have to abide the Governor’s mandate. Salisbury said, “thats been taken out of our hands, its a mandate, its done.”
The winter carnival will not take place.
The rest of the Encampment Town Council meeting went as expeditiously as it usually does.
Permission was given for Doreen Harvey, town clerk, to transfer money to the general fund.
The lighting contest prizes were each increased by $25 for this year. The first place winner will receive $100, second place $75 and third place will be awarded $50.
A grant from the Department of Homeland security was accepted to upgrade radio equipment, some of which will go into the new police vehicle.
A decision was made to hold a public hearing at the next meeting for a conditional use permit and lastly the council went into executive session. A motion was passed after the executive session to give town employees the same Christmas bonus this year as last.
The next meeting of the Encampment Town Council will be on January 14, 2020 at 7 p.m. at the Encampment Town Hall.
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