Lady Tigers get some wins

Encampment girls deal losses to Dubois, Cheyenne Central sophomores in season openers

The Encampment Lady Tigers are starting off their season with some wins as they hosted the Dubois Lady Rams on Friday and the Cheyenne Central Lady Indians' sophomore team on Saturday. In both cases, the Lady Tigers were able to lead by double-digits by the time the final buzzer sounded.

Lady Tigers vs. Lady Rams

Last year, Dubois was unable to field a girls team and one of their own played for the Lady Tigers. This year, the Lady Rams were able to return to the hardwood with their first game being against Encampment.

In the first eight minutes, it appeared as if Dubois would be able to fend off some of the attacks by the Lady Tigers as they put up 10 points to Encampment's 16 points in the 1st quarter. As the 2nd quarter got underway, however, the Lady Tigers kept Dubois to only a single basket while they added more than doubled their score, going into halftime 34-12.

Returning for the second half, Encampment quickly scored 12 points within the first three minutes and led 46-12. Following a time-out by the Lady Rams' head coach, Dubois was able to put at least 3 more points on the board but it wasn't enough. In the 3rd quarter, with a lead of 54-15, a running clock was started. The 4th quarter was more of the same and the Lady Rams were unable to score a single point as Encampment put up 13 more points, putting the final score at 67-16.

Lady Tigers vs. Lady Indians

Following their successful game against Dubois, the Lady Tigers hosted the Cheyenne Central sophomores on Saturday. This would be another victory for Encampment as they put up 12 points in the 1st quarter while keeping the Lady Indians to 2 points.

In the 2nd quarter, Cheyenne Central gained some ground, but not enough to overcome the substantial lead that the Lady Tigers had established. The Lady Indians put up 7 points, but Encampment was able to put up another 15 points before the half. Going into halftime, the Lady Tigers led 27-9.

As the two teams returned to the hardwood, the Lady Tigers raced ahead by putting up another 16 points in the 3rd quarter while the Cheyenne Central sophomores scored only 5 more points. Going into the final quarter, Encampment led 43-14. The final quarter saw the sophomore Lady Indians score the most they had all game, with 9 points put up on the board. The Lady Tigers, however, put up 9 points of their own to end the game 52-23.

Following their two home wins, the Encampment Lady Tigers will hit the road Friday as they head to Lingle-Fort Laramie to face the Lady Doggers and to Southeast to face the Lady Cyclones.

The Lady Tigers will play the Lady Doggers at 10 a.m. and the Lady Cyclones at 2 p.m.


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