Serving the Platte Valley since 1888
A glimpse back at Saratoga in 1891
Reprint of this story from the December 3, 1891 issue of Platte Valley Lyre brought to you courtesy of Grandma's Cabin, Encampment, Wyoming. Preserving History - Serving the Community.
Saratoga has a population of 300 and is situated on the North Platte river, in a V shaped valley 50x75 miles, between two rich mineral bearing mountain ranges, in the southern part of Carbon county. It has two daily stage lines from the Union Pacific railroad – one from Fort Steele, 28 miles, and one from Rawlins, 36 miles; daily mail, and is the distributing point for Bennett, Swan, Collins, Pearl [Colo] and Gold Hill, the latter of which is 25 miles east and is reached only via Saratoga. Land in valley rich, producing hay, grain and vegetables under irrigation. Best cattle raising district in the west. Large amount of government land soon to lie under an immense canal; taken from North Platte river, and all land filing and final proof are made before U.S. Commission here. Inexhaustible supply of water for power purposes and irrigation. Finest medical hot springs in the country are situated in the town. The town is beautifully situated as to location and the climate is mild and bracing and the scenery perfect, perpetual snow always in sight. This town has doubled its population within six months and has a phenomenal growth before it, with every possible advantage in the way of location, water power and surrounding and contributory agricultural, mineral and stock raising country. Cheap native lumber and building rock in abundance.
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