All report, no quorum

Hanna Town Council hears reports, makes no motions due to lack of quorum

The August 11 wildfire that burned about two miles outside the town of Hanna did not only burn 106 acres, but was also responsible for the Hanna Town Council being unable to establish a quorum.

Councilmember Traci Fowler, who is Hanna Fire Department Fire Chief, and Councilmember Sam Sikes, a volunteer for the fire department, were absent fighting the wildfire outside Hanna proper.

Council member Bob Patton was on vacation.

One councilmember, Linda Schisel, called in.

Mayor Lois Buchanan told the members of the audience that were seated in the Town Hall, they could listen to the reports from the different boards and departments, although they would not be approved unless one of the council members came in.

She started the meeting at 6:38 p.m.

“Since we don’t have a quorum at this point, but they might show up,” Buchanan said. “Two are working on the fire.”

The first report on High Country Joint Powers Board (HCJPB) was given by Hanna representative Marcia Beals.

“The bins are being distributed through the town,” Beals said.

Buchanan told the audience that in addition to the trash containers being distributed, the towns were working on MOUs (Memorandums of Understanding) with each other and HCJPB (see “Separate ways in high county”, on page 2 of the August 12 Saratoga Sun).

Public Works reported that the trash bins had generated 5.7 tons of garbage in a week. The grouting work on Columbia Street was finishing up. There had been a water break in the main line on August 7, and was repaired.

Jon Nelson, North Fork Engineering, said the water break helped projects slated in the future to be aware of the depths of the lines. North Fork Engineering is working on the Old Town water project. It is being funded by monies received from the Specific Purpose Tax.

“There are two phases,” Nelson explained to the audience. “The first phase is Main Street, Fifth Street and Front Street and that is what we are hoping to have under construction next summer. Then we do Columbia, and all the other streets in 2022.”

Nelson, a Saratoga council member and the town’s representative to the Specific Purpose Tax Board offered to give an update.

“There have been some delays in the bonding,” Nelson said. “Every municipality has their own projects and in order for towns to have the money available, bonds have to be sold, and those bonds have not yet been sold.”

He said the bonds would probably be sold by October.

Buchanan said the Marshal report said there was strong compliance with residents concerning yards that had been in violation of ordinances.

“I want to express my gratitude to the people who have really jumped in there and taken some pride and care in their property,” Buchanan said. “90 percent of the residents who were issued letters have complied.”

The Marshal office has been doing a street light survey of ones not working. The survey is complete and going to Rocky Mountain Power.

Vivian Gonzales, Director of Hanna Parks and Hanna Recreation Center, said she is hopeful the gazebo purchased several years ago will be put up by public works before the cold weather starts. She said a company had come to look at the hot tub and said it would probably cost around $70,000. Gonzales said, with school starting, she will be losing her morning lifeguards. She said that the board is looking at ways to get the locker rooms open before the cold weather started.

The Housing Board reported that all units were occupied.

As the last report was presented, it became apparent no council member to make a quorum was going to appear.

“That is all we can do because we don’t have a quorum.”

The next scheduled meeting is at 6:30 p.m. on September 8 at the Hanna Town Hall.


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