Saratoga talks trash

Saratoga Town Council approves extra dumpster near hot pool, revisits Family Dollar cardboard issue

Trash talk was no small part of the July 21 meeting of the Saratoga Town Council as the governing body addressed excess refuse near the municipal swimming pool and repeated violations at Family Dollar. 

Swimming in Trash

Under a report from the Saratoga Police Department, Chief Ken Lehr informed the council that trash cans and dumpsters placed around the municipal swimming pool, Hobo Pool and boat ramp were all being overfilled.

“Can’t keep up with the garbage down there. I don’t know if you’ve been down there but they’ve got garbage cans around, smaller ones, but everybody keeps cramming stuff in there,” said Lehr. “There’s two dumpsters, one at the boat lunch. I think maybe we need to move them out of there and see what happens.”

This same issue has been a point of frustration for the Upper Platte River Solid Waste Disposal District (UPRSWDD) in the past. The district expressed their frustration to the Saratoga Town Council under both Mayor Ed Glode and Mayor John Zeiger with little resolution. One of the last times this issue was raised was in February 2019, at which time the late Steve Wilcoxson informed the UPRSWDD that it was the Town of Saratoga’s belief that the dumpsters were public and regulation was difficult.

Lehr echoed this when addressing the council, stating that the most blatant misusers were vacationers who believed the dumpsters were public.

“In a way it is, but when the dumpsters get full the critters come out at night and then you go down in the morning and you’re down there picking up stuff,” Lehr said. “I don’t know what the solution is. Do we move them or what do we do?”

Councilmember Jon Nelson proposed that, instead of moving or removing dumpsters, the Public Works Department increase the capacity for trash in the area.

“I’d rather see it in a receptacle than in the river or blowing around the parking lot,” said Nelson.

“I have the same concerns if we move them, they’re just going to pile the garbage there anyway,” added Mayor John Zeiger.

Along with discussion about increasing capacity for refuse in the area, it was noted that the newly installed security cameras could aid the Town of Saratoga in identifying those who overfilled the dumpsters.

The governing body voted unanimously to allow the Public Works Department to add another dumpster near the municipal swimming pool.

Family Dollar, Again

Later in the meeting, under planning commission, Nelson asked acting zoning officer Kent Smith if a citation had been issued to Family Dollar. At the May 19 meeting of the Saratoga Town Council,  the council had discussed the ongoing issue of cardboard from Family Dollar littering the surrounding area (see “Cleaning up downtown” on page 3 of the May 27 Saratoga Sun). Lehr had informed the governing body that a paper had been served on May 18 and the police department was waiting for a response.

“So, we talked about this at the May 19 council meeting and took formal action, I believe, in sending an abatement letter. Is that correct? Did that letter get sent?” asked Nelson.

“I sent them at least one letter, maybe two, and paid them numerous visits and they are working to make things better down there for sure. The problem I have there is that I can’t get any response from the owner of the building and I can’t get a response from the dollar store people,” said Smith. “They want to respond to a certified letter.”

At the May 19 meeting, UPRSWDD Chairman Randy Raymer informed the council of the district’s own frustrations in trying to contact the corporate headquarters for Family Dollar. Additionally, he stated that the owners of Evergreen Disposal, Ron and Susan Munson, also had their frustrations. This was reiterated by Zeiger and Lehr at the July 21 meeting. Lehr added that store manager Pat Branch had made multiple requests for additional dumpsters from corporate.

“Susan Munson called up there to try and get another dumpster down there. I’ve got letters that she (Pat Branch) put in requests to have extra cardboard taken back on the trucks, too. It just seems like the corporation’s not listening,” said Lehr.

“I think what we talked about back in May was that a citation will get their attention and since we’ve issued the formal letter and the notice of abatement, there’s continued to be trash strewn about and blowing off of their property,” Smith said. “At this point, if it’s another mess over there I’d ask (the) police department to write a ticket because they’ve had plenty of warnings. It does have to go to the lady there which is kind of unfair to her because she’s just not getting any cooperation.”

Section 8.12.020 of the Saratoga Municipal Code reads “It shall be the duty of any owner, agent, tenant, purchaser, contractor or lessee of any premises within the municipality including places of business, dwelling houses, apartments, tenements, construction sites or other establishments, at all times to maintain the premises in a clean and orderly condition, permitting no deposits or accumulation of materials, garbage and refuse other than those necessary.”

Additionally, section 8.12.110 reads “Any person, persons, firm or corporation who is responsible for failure to comply with the provisions of this chapter is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not more than seven hundred fifty dollars for each violation, together with court costs. Each day shall constitute a separate violation.”

Nelson stated that he didn’t understand why the manager of the store should get cited and not either the corporation or the property owner instead. He added that it was his belief that the Town of Saratoga should pursue action against the property owner or Family Dollar.

“If there’s a way to do that, I guess that’s what I would prefer to see,” said Nelson.

The next meeting of the Saratoga Town Council will be at 7 p.m. on August 4 at Saratoga Town Hall.


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