Serving the Platte Valley since 1888
Commissioners vote to send proposed tax district to eligible voters during general election
After an extended public hearing and 30 day protest period that saw no written protest, the proposed Saratoga-Ryan Park Museum District will be heading to the ballot in November.
During the July 20 meeting of the Board of Carbon County Commissioners (BOCCC), the commissioners voted unanimously to approve Resolution No. 2020-31 which directed Carbon County Clerk Gwynn Bartlett to place the question on the ballot.
“As you recall, you had your public hearing for the proposed Saratoga-Ryan Park Museum District. We did not receive any protests in my office. I assume none of you have received any directly, so the 30 day protest period has lapsed and you can now order me to hold that election in November through passing this resolution,” said Bartlett.
As was reported previously (see “Saratoga-Ryan Park Museum District on hold” on page 12 of the June 10 Saratoga Sun and “Proposed museum district enters 30 day protest period” on page 1 of the June 24 Saratoga Sun), the commissioner’s chambers served as venue for a lengthy discussion over the proposed district. As Saratoga Museum Director Kimberly Givens and members of the Saratoga Museum and Historical Association (Saratoga Museum) pleaded their case, concerns were raised by the next closest museum; the Grand Encampment Museum (GEM).
The public hearing, which started on June 2 and concluded June 16, saw GEM Director Tim Nicklas express concern about the borders of the proposed district and the impact it would have on fundraising for the GEM. In attendance at both meetings was historian Nancy Anderson, who’s concern centered around the borders preventing both the GEM and museums in Hanna, Elk Mountain and Medicine Bow from following through with a tax district of their own.
Following two failed motions, the commissioners approved a modified version of the district on a 4-1 vote. The modified borders of the proposed district excluded townships 15N80W, 16N80W and 17N80W. Those townships were the easternmost portion of election precinct 11-2-1, which covers Ryan Park. The purpose of removing those townships was to potentially allow other museums in the area to form a tax district of their own.
With no protests filed against the proposed district, the commissioners voted unanimously, Commissioner Byron Barkhurst was not in attendance, to approve Resolution No. 2020-31. Bartlett informed the BOCCC that there would be two questions on the ballot relating to the proposed district.
“As part of that, there will be the question on the ballot of whether or not to form the district and then two director races. So, one for four years terms and another question for two year terms and they will elect six directors at that election,” Bartlett said.
While the filing date for those six positions are not open yet, the county clerk informed the commissioners advertising would begin once the filing date was open.
The next meeting of the Board of Carbon County Commissioners will be at 9 a.m. on August 4 at the Carbon County Courthouse in Rawlins.
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