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Fisticuffs at GOP Convention

Joey Correnti issues statement following weekend altercation with Albany County Republican Chairman

Following a weekend altercation with Michael Pearce, Albany County Republican Chairman, at the 2020 Wyoming GOP Convention in Gillette, Carbon County Republican Chairman Joey Correnti IV has issued an official statement.

“It is unfortunate that Mr. Pearce chose to engage me in a physical alteration without provocation. I was blindsided with a punch and naturally reacted by restraining him on the ground for his own safety, my safety and the safety of everyone else in the area,” said Correnti. “It is unfortunate that Mr. Pearce was injured as a result of his own actions and I hope he has a speedy recovery and receives all of the medical, mental and substance abuse health attention he requires.”

According to an official release from the Gillette Police Department, officers were requested to respond to the Wyoming Center following a report of two males having a physical altercation. The report continues that Pearce was seated outside after becoming injured during the altercation and officers learned that Pearce had become involved in a verbal confrontation.

“The confrontation escalated and the two men walked out of the Wyoming Center, at which time Pearce struck Correnti in the head with a fist. In defense, Correnti took Pearce to the ground where he held Pearce until someone intervened,” wrote Lieutenant Brent Wasson in the release. “Correnti described Pearce as being intoxicated and Pearce admitted to drinking.”

The release from the Gillette Police Department went on to state that witness statements provided to them confirmed Pearce was responsible for the escalation and Correnti had been defending himself. Pearce was cited with Assault and Battery and was also hospitalized with a broken ankle.

“At this point, on the advice of counsel, I am allowing criminal charges against Mr. Pearce to proceed as I believe in law, order, due process and accountability. I would expect anyone to do the same with me if I had blatantly broken the law,” Correnti said. “My legal team continues to investigate the facts and circumstances surrounding this incident and we continue to pursue all legal options.”

Additionally, Correnti stated he was “disappointed that the media immediately reported the story without properly investigating both sides, or waiting for an official statement from the police.” Over the weekend, both the Casper Star-Tribune and the Laramie Boomerang had reported on the incident with Pearce quoted as stating that he was not aware of what had transpired leading to the altercation between the two.

Following the Sunday articles from both publications, attendees of the state convention contradicted the initial accounting from Pierce as to the altercation on social media. According to Correnti, Pearce later reached out on Facebook “acknowledging responsibility for his actions” and apologizing for the “scuffle”.

Correnti is one of four Republicans running for House District 47 in the 2020 Primary Election. 


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