Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Flabbergasted by funds

Dear Editor,

Well, here I go again, or should I say here we go again.

I stood in front of the last administration in August 2017 and told the town council then they had a terrible track record of failed or incomplete projects at considerable financial loss to the Town of Saratoga. At that time, I read Suzie Cox’s internal memo (town being financially broke) for the record during the meeting.

Now it’s 2020 and a new administration, except it’s really an older administration repurposed for a third term in office. Business as usual. And what this current administration has shown in actions and voice is anything but usual, business unusual. In this latest transfer of funds and money manipulation, the Town Council has accepted all responsibility for previous accounting history of other councils.

Personally, I’m still flabbergasted that our friends and neighbors are capable of such things. I’m just now catching up with all the information that keeps trickling out, none better than the previous. For over 12 months now, the Town Council has been paying an independent law firm to create a defense for them and define the words “restricted funds.” In that case, since our town accounting firm has obvious questions, we’ll just hire an independent accountant (James Childress) and only investigate back to the last council and we’ll be sending our independent legal team over to to define “restricted funds” for you.

All of this with yours and mine tax dollars.

Well, I know I’m just a 62-year-old fishing bum with an outfitter’s license, but I do know the difference between right and wrong and this is wrong! In my 10 years of living here, and previous 15 fishing these waters, I have come to love this Valley and care for its future just as you do. Saratoga is broke and has been for a long time. The Town Council cannot continue to do business like this and has not shown any leadership, fiscal responsibility, integrity, credibility or honesty.

So, the question is: What do we want as a community? Is this the kind of leadership we want for our town?

We have only six months until the November election to get ready. Our Town Council already has a 12 month lead on us!


Steve Heinitz

Owner, North Platte Trouters

Saratoga, Wyoming


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