A Creative Easter Egg Hunt

Hanna resident finds way to bring Easter to her community

As the month of April ends, many activities were canceled throughout Carbon County and the nation due to the concern of COVID-19 and adhering to social distancing directives.

Even though Easter services were curtailed, a resident in Hanna was determined the kids of this community would get their Easter egg hunt.

"An Easter egg hunt is something little kids look forward to every year," Sunshine Solaas, Hanna Basin Museum (HBM) Director and Hanna resident said. "This year, with isolation making family get-togethers impossible, our family wanted to do something everyone could enjoy safely."

Solaas, who conceived of the old fashioned tree decorating event for families at the HBM at Christmas time, decided to try and do something family friendly at Easter time.

"After seeing my hometown doing a teddy bear hunt where they put stuffed bears in their windows, I thought we should do something here for everyone too," Solaas explained.

Solaas decided to use Easter eggs instead of teddy bears.

"I had no concept so many people would jump on board," Solaas said. "The idea was to hang paper eggs in windows at different homes so families could drive around and search for them. We had 125 eggs hidden in windows all over Hanna and Elmo. Then, as families found the eggs, they messaged us their totals."

The idea worked and made a lot of families happy in the two towns.

"The winner, Brittany Forester, and her son, Jace, received a basket we put together with the help of High Carbon Mercantile," Solaas said. "I have to say, thanks to everyone that participated."

She pointed out that times of adversity made communities come together in unexpected and creative ways.


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