Hitting the big 500

Medicine Bow Elementary students adds to total books read

At the beginning of the year, Medicine Bow Elementary School second through sixth graders had a goal to read 35 books a student by the end of the school term (See "Getting kids to read" on page 7 of the April 8 Saratoga Sun). Shelly Cooper, their teacher was surprised how quickly they hit their goal and the kids were in the process of going for a higher target when school shut down.

"I think it is amazing they hit 350 books," Cooper said of her 10 students. "We were well over 400 when school shut, but that did not stop them."

On Thursday, Cooper put up a sign in her classroom for the world to see indicating her students had read 500 books.

"One of my students who read books 497, 489 and 499 found out that if he read another book, it would be 500," Cooper explained. "His mother told me he made up his mind that he was going to be the person that hit that number for the class and picked up a book and read it for the next couple days without fail."

She was proud of her student who wishes to go unnamed.

"He did it for the class, which is such a great thing to hear," Cooper said. "I just couldn't be prouder of these kids and what they have accomplished."

Copper has no idea what the actual number will be on May 29, the last day she is counting.

"At least I know it will be over 500," Cooper laughed.


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