Confirmed cases in Carbon County recovered

As testing continues across Wyoming, two of the three cases in the county are fully recovered

Series: COVID-19 | Story 16

While testing for the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) continues throughout Wyoming, there was recently a bit of good news for Carbon County. In a little more than a week since the first case of COVID-19 in the county was announced, two of the three confirmed cases are reported to have completely recovered.

That information came on Sunday night through the daily situational debrief sent to media outlets by Jacqueline Wells, public information officer for the Carbon County COVID-19 Incident Management Team. Despite the good news, it is still stressed by the incident management team for residents to wash their hands often and well, covering coughing and sneezes and cleaning and disinfecting surfaces that may be contaminated with germs.

As of March 30, there were 95 confirmed cases across 15 coun ties in Wyoming with the majority being either in Fremont County with 24 or Laramie County with 20. According to the Wyoming Department of Health, 1,389 tests have been completed by the Wyoming Public Health Lab and 544 have been completed by commercial labs.

Out of the 95 confirmed cases, 26 are reported by the Wyoming Department of Health to have recovered from COVID-19 and zero deaths have been reported. According to State Health Officer Alexia Harrist during a Monday press conference, approximately 16 of the 95 cases had been hospitalized since the start of the outbreak.


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