Governor Gordon declares State of Emergency

Declaration follows that of President Donald Trump

On the afternoon of March 13, Governor Mark Gordon signed an Executive Order declaring a State of Emergency in Wyoming in response to the nationwide coronavirus pandemic. According to a press release from Gordon's office, the measure allows the governor to "more quickly activate the Wyoming National Guard in the event it is necessary." The Executive Order, according to the press release, also makes state businesses eligible to apply for federal funding from the Small Business Association.

"Although we have only one confirmed case of COVID-19 in Wyoming, I have taken this action to ensure we are prepared in the event additional steps need to be taken," said Governor Gordon. "We continue to be most concerned about our state's elderly and vulnerable populations and want to ensure we are taking all necessary steps to address what we may face going forward."

As was reported on March 12, the Saratoga Care Center has put a moratorium on visitors to the skilled nursing facility for the next 30 days in an effort to protect its residents.

According to the press release from Gordon's office, the Executive Order "ensures the State Health Officer has the authority to address large-scale health challenges the state may face in the future."

As for emergency loans from the Small Business Association for Wyoming small businesses effected by the impacts of the coronavirus epidemic, they can visit


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