Serving the Platte Valley since 1888
100 Years Ago
October 30, 1919
Work Started On Another Garage
A number of men are now at work clearing away the old buildings which have occupied the “Cluff corner” in Saratoga for the past twenty or more years, and this corner will soon be occupied by an up-to-date concrete garage building, to be erected by Harvey and Sjoden, who have been engaged in the blacksmith and automobile repair business here for several years past, but in small and inadequate quarters.
Their business lately has grown to much proportions that they decided to erect a building suited to their needs, and they have purchased the Cluff property with that in view.
Their location is ideal for their purpose and preparations for the new building will be under way as soon as the old frame buildings can be torn down or removed. The property purchased extends from the corner east to the brick meat market building and the old saloon building now occupying the corner will be moved up against the market and the balance of the space used for garage purposes.
The concrete structure as now planed will be 108 feet in length by 60 feet in width, and will be patterned after the most modern and up-to-date garages. Messrs. Harvey and Sjoden are thorough mechanics and with the added room and the new equipment which will be installed will be able to care for the every want of the patrons.
The great increase in the tourist trade the past few seasons, as well as the great number of new cars of all descriptions purchased by Platte Valley natives, has made the repair and accessories business one of large proportions in these parts, and with two new and well-equipped garages ready to share in the business with the opening of next season, it is likely that no town in the country will afford better facilities for the motorist in the way of general garage service as well as in the line of repairs and experts mechanical work.
75 Years Ago
October 26, 1944
Posthumous Awards for local man who was killed
in action
Mrs. Jack Resch of Jack Creek this week received a communication from the War Department, in forming her that the Air Medal and three Oak-leaf Clusters, representing three additional awards of the same decoration, have been posthumously awarded to her son, Staff Sergeant William R. Armstrong, killed in action about a year ago. The citation is as follows:
“For meritorious achievement while participating in aerial fights as armorer gunner, for fifteen medium bomber strike sorties during the period from 25 june to 14 July, 1943, 21 July to 31 July 1943, 2 August to 9 August 1943, 23 October to 8 November 1943 in sustained combat operation missions. Flights were of a hazardous nature during which enemy opposition was met, or during enemy antiaircraft fire was effective or where enemy fighter patrols were habitually encountered. Sergeant Armstrong exhibited great courage and untiring energy; his services reflecting highest credit on the military forces of the United State.”
Mrs. Resch said she was informed that the decoration is to be forwarded to Omaha, Neb., where arrangements will be made for presentation of the decoration to her soon.
Sgt. Armstrong was killed over Munda in the Pacific war area November 16th of last year. He was the second man from the Saratoga section to lose his life in the present war.
50 Years Ago
November 6, 1969
Midnight fire causes $4,000 worth of damage at Dick Perue home
A midnight fire at the home of Dick Perue did an estimated $4,000 worth of damage early Monday morning.
Saratoga’s volunteer fire department was called to the Perue residence to battle a blaze on the north wall of the house located on the corner of Main and River Streets. Damaged in two-story structure was most of the north wall, the second story floor and the ceiling and floor of the first story. Considerable smoke and water damage was reported through-out the house.
The fire was believed to originated between the two stories of the building and was caused by a faulty chimney on a small fireplace.
No one was injured in the blaze and the only occupants of the house escaped without incident. Mr. Perue and his sister Patty were in the house when the fire started. Mrs. Perue and Paul and MRs. Clyde Cross had left for Cheyenne about noon Sun day to take Mrs. Cross to her home after visiting here about two weeks.
25 Years Ago
October 26, 1994
Saratoga racer wins
national title
Brandon Welton captured the National Amateur Championship in the GTO Division during the National Finals Races in Daytona, Fla., last weekend.
The race was an endurance race, and he won it on his Honda CBR 600, with a 900 engine. Welton came in first place in the race, which had about 90 other participants in it form around the country. He also finished fourth in the GTU Division.
His younger brother Brady, who is a junior at Saratoga High School, placed third in the Super Bike Grand Prix.
Both riders predicted their finishes in last week’s Sun, but were not available for comments at press time this week.
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