Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Short Meeting in Riverside

Riverside town council discusses mulitple topics in under thiry minutes

The Town Council of Riverside met at 6 p.m. on Thursday at the Riverside Town Hall for a meeting that lasted under a half hour.

Mayor Leroy Stephenson was absent. Council member Fred Lorenz was mayor pro tem. Council members Katie Cheesbrough and Ed Golden were also present.

The agenda and minutes for the September 12 regular meeting were quickly approved.

Town clerk/treasurer Jan Cook presented Sept. financial statement and bills to be paid. The council approved both.

Riverside resident Mark Hellwig asked who was contracted to plow the the streets.

“I have asked people who responded to this in the past to get in touch by the next town council meeting, which will be the 14th,” Cook said. “If they don’t respond, we are going to figure something out.”

The South Central Wyoming Emergency Medical Services (SCWEMS) report said that the board has an advertisement for an EMT Supervisor. Cook said that Encampment representative Karran Bedwell for SCWEMS was resigning.

Lorenz said if the weather was dry, the grater would go over the streets one more time before winter.

The Sierra Madre Joint Powers Board report said no bills had been mailed out during August and September. The board is asking residents to pay the basic of $34 for both months. Cook said when the bills come out in Nov., the situation will be remedied.

Golden said there was a zoning/building permit for 1440 feet single story building needed to be approved. He said all was in order. The council approved the permit.

Cook said she was still waiting for estimates to come in for the security cameras for the town hall.

There was no action items and no new business.

The council adjourned.

The next regular meeting of the Riverside Town Council will be at 6 p.m. on Nov. 14 at the Riverside Town Hall.


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