Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

School and SCWEMS

Encampment town council hears proposal for all-school reunion, accepts SCWEMS resignation

The Encampment Town Council met at 7 p.m. on Thursday at the Encampment Town Hall. Council members Kim Loftice and Shannon Fagan were present. Council members Gary Stull and Bill Craig were absent.

The council quickly approved the agenda and minutes for the regular scheduled meeting on Sept. 12.

Town clerk/treasurer Doreen Harvey went over the financials. Bills to be paid totaled $44,356.23. The council approved paying the financials.

Resident Mary Martin told the council that she and Saratoga resident Marcy Cooley were hoping to have another Encampment all class reunion.

“I am here to ask the council if they are interested in piggybacking the Aug. 2021 town barbecue with our event,” Martin said. “I thought all the things we did at the last time, the 2010 one, Marcy and I can send out the letters, if the town will pay for the postage.”

She said they will reach out for donations.

“We wanted to give plenty of time, so that is why we are coming to you now,” Martin said. “But first of all, we wanted to make sure we had the town’s cooperation.”

Martin said she wanted to get the letter out to attendees by the end of the year.

South Central Wyoming Emergency Medical Services (SCWEMS) Encampment representative Karran Bedwell had put in her resignation. Mayor Greg Salisbury thanked her for her service.

“We just want to thank you for stepping up and taking care of that role,” Salisbury said. “It was a huge responsibility and you did an outstanding job helping it get all back together. I hate to see you leave.”

Bedwell thanked him.

The council approved her resignation.

Jon Nelson from North Fork Engineering said the sewer lagoon improvement project was going well.

“We did complete another round of sampling last week and I think we have all the sampling we are going to need,” Nelson said. “I don’t have all the results back. The one set of data I did get back was on nutrients, which are surprisingly low.”

He said it was not a problem.

Nelson said he was putting together an agreement that will cover liability.

Resolution 2019-09 for source water protection plan was approved.

The council approved funds for Hi Power Electric to purchase a 200 amp breaker for $1460. The council approved $8,000 for Tom Jones to get protection put around the breaker boxes required by the fire marshal.

The conditional use application Block 32 lots 6-10 was approved.

Fagan said the Barry Cole encroachment issue should be sent to the planning commission. The council agreed.

Police chief Grayling Wachsmuth put in his resignation. His last day is Oct. 30. The council approved his resignation.

Public works employee Ben Tieszen said two aerated motors needed to be replaced. He said to replace them was the cheapest alternative. The council approved $2,417 for the purchase.

The council approved advertising for a new SCWEMS representative.

Hub International property insurance for $10,570 was approved.

The ACM, LLP financial statement and audit was accepted and approved.

The Garden Club was approved to refurbish one mural. The Arts Council will do the other mural.

Alyx Munson was approved to chair the Winter Carnival on Jan. 24 -25, 2020. The council approved a worker to take on the job for the event.

A pallet of ice melt was approved for $554.

The council approved the transfer from the water fund for tank cleaning and inspection for $7,625.

The meeting was adjourned.

The next scheduled regular town council will be at 7 p.m. on Nov. 14 at the Encampment Town Hall.


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