Miners dig deep against St. Stephens

HEM football keeps Eagles at bay for nearly 40-point win

As the game got under way, the Hanna, Elk Mountain, Medicine Bow High School (HEM) football team fumbled the ball on their first possession and in a few plays found the St. Stephens team, poised to score the first points of the game. It was 5 yards and goal.

The Miners dug deep and not only prevented a score, but converted a fumble to being the first team to get points.

"Our kids dig deep. We just do it that way," Head Football Coach Zach Scott said. "We find ways to fix it. It is a good way to start a season to have your defense play really well."

Conor McGraw got the first touchdown for the Miners, although no extra points were put on the board. Before the first quarter was over, Conor's twin brother, Shane, scored the next touchdown, rushing for 43 yards.

The first quarter it was 12-0 in the Miners favor.

Miner Devon Grosstick had an interception in the second quarter that led to Shane connecting to Conor for another touchdown, making it 18-0.

After the Eagles failed to make any inroads against the Miners, Conor had another touchdown.

St. Stephens got down the field and a pass interference call on the Miners had the ball on the five yard line. During this series, a St. Stephens player was injured. The game went on hold for about 20 minutes. When the Eagles took the field, the team scored a rushing touchdown and converted to make the score 24-8 with a little over 3 minutes left in the first half.

The Miners were not ruffled as Conor ran for a 39 yard touchdown to make it 30-8. However, the Eagles came right back and scored, making it 30-14.

With seconds left, Conor scored again to make it 37-14 at halftime.

The first play of the second half had the Eagle score. The kick was good and the Eagles were back in the game with the score 37-22.

"St. Stephens is a much improved team," Scott said. "I think they are going to surprise people as the season goes on. They played better than I have ever seen them before."

The Eagles were threatening to score again, but Shane forced a fumble to shut down any momentum by St. Stephens.

Minutes later, Shane scored a touchdown. The Miners got the extra point making it 44-22.

The Miners' defense played tough and the Eagles found themselves having to get 28 yards for a first. They didn't.

When the Miners got the ball, Shane scored another touchdown, making it 50-22.

The Eagles would not give up and scored the next possession, changing the score to 50-30 just as the third quarter ended.

The fourth quarter started with Shane breaking four tackles to score, leading the Miners to a lead of 58-30.

St. Stephens still would not quit.

The possession after Shane's score had the Eagles roar down the field and it was 58-38.

It would be the last time St. Stephens would score.

The Miners started to rotate in players to give them experience, but not before Shane scored again, making the score 66-38.

The next series of plays for the Eagles produced one of the most startling moments in the game. Trying to avoid a safety, the St. Stephens passer lost control of the ball and Shane intercepted it, rushing into the Eagles' end zone.

The score was 74-38.

No more scoring was done by either team.

"It was our first game and we kind of stepped on our own feet a little bit," Scott said. "But at the end of the game, we started to look pretty smooth. I am really proud of these kids."

The next scheduled game is a homecoming game at 2 p.m. against Midwest on Sept. 14.


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