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Planning Commission meets two zoning officer candidates, receives letter of interest
The long search for a zoning officer may finally be coming to an end for the Town of Saratoga. During the Aug. 13 meeting of the Saratoga Planning Commission, two prospective candidates were in the audience as commissioner Jim Beckmann conducted the meeting in the absence of Acting Chairman Tom Westring.
Saratoga residents Bob and Sierra Smith were also in attendance at the meeting with questions about the special use permit for their bed and breakfast business, Roan Hill Ranch. Seth “Turtle” Johnson, owner of Slow and Steady Law Office, was not in attendance for the public hearing on his special use permit.
Getting Zoned In
One of the more pressing issues to face both the Town of Saratoga and the Saratoga Planning Commission in recent months, the absence of a permanent zoning officer has been of concern for both the governing body and area contractors. A question that went along with that concern was whether or not the Town of Saratoga could pay the zoning officer for a full-time position.
“We’ve got support from the town council to do full-time. In looking at our budget, I think we have both the budget for the full-time wages as well as the full-time benefits,” said Keel.
The budget for the 2019/2020 fiscal year, passed under Ordinance No. 854, lists $51,250 for salaries and payroll benefits under planning with an additional $19,277 for general expenses. The current budget has an expected revenue over expenditures of $475,112.
Saratoga resident Ryan Thrasher and Encampment resident Barry Cole were both in attendance as Keel informed Beckmann and the audience that the Saratoga Town Council had decided to make the position full-time. When asked by the Saratoga Sun if the change from part-time, which had led to multiple applicants withdrawing from the position, to full-time would require a budget amendment, Keel stated that it would.
“It will require a budget amendment. In talking with other council members and the town clerk, it doesn’t sound like that budget amendment will have to be done right away because we have so much money budgeted for the year and, as long as we don’t spend all the money before we make the budget amendment, we’re fine,” Keel said. “So, it’s the type of deal where we can hire this person, get all the benefits set, see what that’s costing us on a monthly basis and then do a budget amendment after that.”
It is expected that Keel will make a recommendation during the Aug. 20 meeting of the Saratoga Town Council on either Trasher or Cole.
Roan Hill Ranch
Under items from the public, Bob and Sierra Smith informed the planning commission that they had applied for a special use permit for their bed and breakfast, Roan Hill Ranch, nine years ago and were approved. Bob Smith stated that, since then, they had forgotten to come before the commission for a renewal of the permit.
It was pointed out that, under 18.69.010 of the Saratoga Municipal Code, while the initial period of a special use permit was not to exceed one year, the planning commission could extend the permit for additional time if there were no written objections from neighbors within a 300 foot radius. Bob and Sierra said that, in the nine years since the approval of their special use permit, they had not received any complaints from their neighbors.
With that information, Beckmann and Keel voted to allow the extension of the special use permit for Roan Hill Ranch until they sold their property.
Letter of Interest
A new addition to the planning commission is possible, as Saratoga resident Deb Clark submitted a letter of interest to serve on the commission. If Clark were to be approved by the Saratoga Town Council, this would bring the number of members on the commission to four, with three seats still open.
The next meeting of the Saratoga Planning Commission will be at 5:30 p.m. on Sept. 10 at Saratoga Town Hall.
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