Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Fee use explained

Dear Editor,

The letter from Jake and Nicky Shoales of Spokane, Washington—re: their experience at the “city” supported hot springs, while wonderful, reported no working water fountains plus slippery steps. Neither condition reflects well on the Town’s repair and maintenance nor its concern for the health and safety of residents and visitors. The Shoales suggested that landing fees be established for corporate jets and used to fund needed repair and maintenance. Obviously they were not aware that landing fees are already collected for transient jets and turbo props. Nor were they aware that funds received as part of airport operation are required to be used for the airport, per FFA and WYDOT reqauirements, as they provide the majority of funding for the airport.

However, the Saratoga Sun is aware of both points, and could (should?) have either commented or contacted a former airport board member to provide details, in order to ensure an informed audience.

The Sun is also aware that town funds, for example, are used on a daily basis to water flowers throughout town. The Sun could have commented that visitors, based on this minuscule sample, would prefer the drinking water and safe steps to the flowers they didn’t appear to notice.

Ellie Dana, Saratoga

Editor’s Note: While The Saratoga Sun is aware that landing fees cannot be used for solely municipal projects, we felt the main thrust of the letter was to point out deficiencies at the Hot Pool. In trying to come up with a creative solution, it became obvious that the pair were not aware the airport charges landing fees.


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