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Three person Saratoga Planning Commission meets for 33 minutes
A full three member Saratoga Planning Commission met for 33 minutes starting at 5:30 p.m. on June 11.
Though there were three public hearings for variances, permits or amendments on the schedule, only one occurred.
The first two on the agenda, a Special Use Permit and a Zoning Amendment for Seth “Turtle” Johnson, did not occur because, as interim zoning officer Kent Smith reported, Johnson had not obtained the proper signatures as of yet.
The last public hearing on the agenda was to hear comment on an application for a variance from Michael Cooley for a larger mobile home to be placed at 306 N. River St. That hearing was opened, and there being no comment, was quickly closed.
The commission then approved past minutes, noted there was no correspondence or items from the public and proceeded to new business.
The Johnson items were tabled because the hearings did not occur. Cooley was then granted his variance request.
A possible illegal sign was the next item on the agenda and was determined to be the Rural Ranch Radio sign at 112 East Bridge Ave.
Discussion was held and finally it was determined that a request should be made for the owner to remove the sign until such time as the owner had gone through the variance process.
Carbon County Planner/GIS Specialist Sarah Hutchins was on hand to present a revised Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) map defining the areas outside of Saratoga town limits from which the county would refer building requests to the town of Saratoga so that future development could be managed more effectively.
The revised MOU map now excludes the Old Baldy Club (OBC) from the basically one mile area extending out from formal town limits.
The reason given for excluding OBC from the MOU was that Saratoga town attorney Tom Thompson had advised that removal.
After a moderate discussion, including the fact that OBC could bring in independent building inspectors if needed, the MOU and revised map were recommended to the Saratoga Town Council for approval.
Smith then gave the zoning officer’s report and stated seven building and sign permits were issued and he had received requests to bring livestock into town. Smith said he would contact those requesting to bring in the animals but said, “as long as they’re FFA—otherwise forget it.”
Interim chairman Tom Westring then asked if there was an update in getting a new zoning officer. Commission member Bob Keel reported that there had been one interview that went well, had a second that turned down an interview when the applicant learned it was a part time position and still had a third applicant to consider.
Smith said the commission should consider making the position full time even if the eventual pick had to work part time in other departments.
There was discussion about the pros and cons of spitting a worker between departments and succession training for when a person in a trained position leaves that position.
The commission then discussed the current state of advertising for planning commission members and confirmed that those openings were being advertised.
Having completed the slate of business, the planning commission adjourned.
The next meeting of the Saratoga Planning Commission is set for 5:30 p.m. on July 9 at the Saratoga Town Hall.
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