Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Planning Party Day

Riverside Town Council issues licenses and permits, approves catering for annual Party Day, hears reports from departments

The Riverside Town Council met a 6 p.m. on June 13 at the Riverside Town Hall with council members Fred Lorenz and Ed Golden present. Mayor Leroy Stephenson was also in attendance.

The meeting started with a public hearing on renewing the liquor license for Encampment Hospitality and special permits for 24 hours on the dates of June 20, 2020; Oct. 31, 2020; and Dec. 31, 2020. After the public hearing was adjourned, the license and days for special permits was approved.

The approval for the agenda was approved but Golden asked to interject some thoughts on the May 9 regular council meeting.

“On the right-of-way, you said there would be no more discussion,” Golden said. “I would like to see more discussion on this.”

Golden didn’t want to discuss the right-of-way issue at the present meeting, so Stephenson said the matter could be brought up in another meeting. The tentative date to discuss the issue would be in the winter.

Once this point was resolved, Golden made a motion to approve the minutes. Lorenz seconded the motion.

“I would like everyone to keep in mind that Jan was involved in an audit that took four days and we are lucky to have any financials before us,” Stephenson said.

The financials were gone over and approved.

Stephenson gave a report on the Carbon County Council of Governments that was held at 6:30 p.m. on May 15 in Saratoga. He said there had been an Incident Command System training and that Jay Grabow had presented his vision of a visitors center to be constructed in Rawlins.

Deb Cunningham, from the Encampment Preschool, was present to ask for support from the town for the scholarship fund.

Stephenson said the town cannot just donate as it had done years before according to the auditors. The town has to make an agreement with the preschool. The council approved an agreement to fund the scholarship with $600. The agreement will go to the town’s lawyer.

Helen Weiland, from South Central Wyoming Emergency Medical Services (SCWEMS) and Riverside’s representative to that board, gave an update of the board.

She said Encampment resident Irene Archibald had become the new bookkeeper.

“We had our second reading of our budget on May 14,” Weiland said. “The final reading of the budget next month. We will be taking $10,000 to pay a stipend for volunteers based on their on call hours the previous year and we will be presenting the checks in July at a BBQ to thank them for their service.”

She said SCWEMS will be putting $100,000 into a capital bond and $100,000 into reserves. Weiland said the budget will allow the hiring of two full time EMTs. She said one will be for the Valley and the other will reside in the northern part of Carbon County. She said the Town of Encampment had donated office space for SCWEMS and the group will be moving its headquarters from Elk Mountain.

Food for the Riverside Party Day was approved to be catered by the Bear Trap Restaurant for $2,000.

“The food will be pretty much what she had last year,” Jan Cook, town clerk said. “There will be pulled pork, cole slaw, baked beans, buttered corn, cornbread and pound cake with berries.”

Concerning the park, it was mentioned by a resident that dogs were running loose. Stephenson said if he was called, he will take care of the loose dogs. Stephenson said locks had been replaced at the bathrooms because some person had broken them.

Lorenz said the grader would either be delivered or he would go to collect it.

Lee Ann Stephenson from the Sierra Madre Joint Powers Board (SMJPB) said they had recently gotten a new computer.

“We got the computer the day the auditors came and we had a lot of adventures,” Lee Ann said. “We passed our budget on third reading last night and at this time, we are anticipating no changes in water rates.”

Leroy said payments for SMJPB will now have to go into a separate box from the Town of Riverside because when payments were put in the town box, the auditors told Cook she was responsible for the SMJPB’s payments until given to the board. A separate box was approved by the council.

Jon Nelson, from North Fork Engineering, told the council as projects get ready to be started next spring, he suggested putting out bids in Jan., because many towns with impact funding would be going after many of the same contractors.

Weiland said she went to mosquito school and learned quite a lot about the insects.

“We are trying some granules instead of bricks we currently use because they get around vegetation better,” Weiland said. “They last four to six weeks.”

The Platte Valley Little League thanked the town for its donation in a letter.

There was a public hearing for Ordinance 225-Fiscal Year 2019-2020 budget for its final reading. After the public hearing the ordinance was approved.

The old town hall renovations are near completion, but carpet still needs to be installed.

The council approved the Town of Dixon for unclaimed funding in FY 2013-2014 Consensus Grant Joint Resolutions.

A new vacuum was approved for purchase for the town hall.

The UPRSWDD contact with town was approved.

Louis and Charlie Gomez were approved to do tree work in the Rick Martin Park.

The mayor said he will draft a letter of support for the Saratoga Clinic, Platte Valley Healthcare Sustainability Project.

Cook was approved for her vacation request during June 24-27.

The next scheduled Riverside Town Council will be at 6 p.m. on July 11 at the Riverside Town Hall.


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